‘Modern tools to transform farming’

Experts suggest use of crop monitoring drones to empower farmers


Dr Alamgir Khan from Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture has said that modern technologies like precision irrigation systems and crop monitoring drones empower farmers with real-time data, enhancing decision-making and resource allocation.

Highlighting the crucial role of soil analysis tools in maximising yields, he said agriculture remains the backbone of Pakistan's economy, sustaining millions of livelihoods. “Yet, many farmers lack access to modern tools vital for optimal crop yields.”

Dr Khan underscores challenges like low organic matter in Pakistani soil and soil compaction due to heavy machinery movement. He advocated for modern ploughing tools and composting innovations to address these issues.

Additionally, he emphasised the importance of soil moisture retention and efficient fertiliser use.

Secretary Agriculture South Punjab Saqib Ateel acknowledged the importance of modern tools but stresses the need for precision to avoid losses. He recommends prioritizing investment in efficient machinery for sustainable agriculture.

Shahid Hameed Bhutta, a prominent mango grower, highlights the necessity of machinery for smart agriculture practices.

He emphasised the lack of access to machinery among small farmers and calls for government support.

Agriculture department officials Abdul Samad and Rashid Sidhu mentioned the Punjab government subsidies on 56 agri-tools to assist farmers.

Efficient machinery, from soil preparation to post-harvest management, is crucial for sustainable agriculture. Saqib Ateel suggests investing in transformative technologies, while Bhutta stresses the need for government support for small farmers.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 25th, 2024.

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