Technical training standards to be revamped

Hands-on training to students will be prioritised


The Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government is spearheading a plan to elevate technical and vocational training to international standards. A scheme for workplace-based training aims to harness skilled manpower for domestic and foreign markets.

Instead of theory, practical training will dominate technical and vocational institutions, with stipends provided to trainees.

A meeting chaired by Special Assistant to Chief Minister Abdul Karim Tordhirs discussed the project’s outline and significance. Tordhirs stressed the need to equip youth with market-oriented skills, emphasizing practical training over mere academic qualifications.

He urged TEVTA to ensure the project’s effective implementation, inclusion of demand-driven courses, transparent student selection processes, and income generation from institutions.

Speaking at the occasion, Tordhirs emphasized the critical importance of equipping the youth of the province with market-oriented skills. He emphasized that traditional academic qualifications alone are insufficient in today’s competitive job market. Instead, practical training in technical fields is essential to ensure that individuals are well-prepared to meet the demands of various industries, both locally and internationally.

Tordhirs directed TEVTA to ensure the effective implementation of the project, emphasizing the inclusion of courses tailored to the demands of industries and technical fields. He stressed the importance of transparency in the selection and classification of students, ensuring that opportunities are accessible to individuals from all districts of the province.

Furthermore, Tordhirs urged TEVTA authorities to explore avenues for generating income from their institutions and machinery, thereby maximizing their utility. He encouraged the introduction of innovative models to optimize resource utilization and enhance the overall effectiveness of technical and vocational training programs across the province.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 22nd, 2024.


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