Exhibition depicts rich Punjab culture

‘Sohna Punjab’ features artworks by Khurram Babri and Muhammad Yunus Rumi



The rich civilisation and cultural heritage of Punjab are renowned for their beauty and allure worldwide, said Shazia Rizwan, Member of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab and Coordinator for the Chief Minister of Punjab.

She was speaking at the opening ceremony of a painting exhibition titled “Sohna Punjab” organised in connection with Punjab Culture Day at the Punjab Arts Council the other day.

She emphasised that the identity of any region is deeply intertwined with its culture. Living nations take pride in their cultural heritage and traditions and contribute to their preservation and advancement. She urged for a year-round celebration and appreciation of Punjab's rich cultural tapestry rather than confining it to a single day.

Highlighting the vibrancy of Punjab's culture, including its festivals, cuisine, attire, and historical sites, she underscored the myriad colours that enrich its heritage. Rizwan stressed the importance of preserving the wisdom and legacies of our ancestors, stating that it is our collective responsibility to safeguard and promote them.

Upon arrival at the Arts Council, the chief guest was presented with a "Chunri" as a gesture of hospitality.

The Council’s Director Muhammad Shakoor said that civilisation and culture serve as a mirror reflecting the essence of any nation. Cultural values illuminate the path towards a promising future for societies, fostering peace and security.

Assistant Director Muhammad Sulaiman highlighted that vibrant cultures are a hallmark of thriving and progressive nations. Indeed, societies that prioritize and cultivate positive cultural values emerge as bastions of peace and harmony.

The exhibition featured artworks by Khurram Babri and Muhammad Yunus Rumi. A large number of people from the twin cities attended the event.

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