SCBA condemns arrests of PTI lawyers

Apex body of lawyers decides to convene an emergency meeting



The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) has vehemently condemned the arrests of prominent lawyers including Latif Khosa, Salman Akram Raja, Mumtaz Mustafa, and others, demanding their immediate release.

In response to the arrests, the apex body of the lawyers also announced plans to convene an emergency meeting of its executive body to decide the next course of action in this critical situation.

The decision came amid the backdrop of countrywide protests staged by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) against alleged rigging in the February 8 general elections.

Supporters and activists took to the streets in Rawalpindi, while protests erupted in Karachi, Kandhkot, Tank, and other cities in response to the PTI's allegations of election result manipulation.

SCBA President Shahzad Shaukat and Secretary Syed Ali Imran, along with the 26th executive committee, issued a strong condemnation of the arrests, expressing dismay over reports of several other lawyers being detained while peacefully protesting against alleged electoral malpractices.

“Similar reports of several other lawyers being taken in custody while peacefully protesting against the alleged electoral malpractices in the recent general elections have also received from every nook and corner of the country,” a statement read.While demanding the immediate release of all arrested lawyers, the president and the secretary said that as senior advocates of the Supreme Court and life members of the association. It viewed the arrests with grave concern. “All of them have always represented the highest standards in the legal profession,” they commended.

Expressing his utter discontentment, the president stated that it is in common knowledge that SCBA has always advocated for upholding the fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973, particularly, the importance of adhering to Article 4, read with Articles 10, 10-A, 15, and 16, which guarantee the right to peaceful protest and assembly, among other fundamental rights.

He further lambasted that despite this association, on numerous occasions, having called upon the authorities to respect the legal and democratic rights of citizens, including lawyers, the recent trend of targeting and arresting members of the legal fraternity is alarming.

“It reflects a blatant disregard for constitutional rights, rampant lawlessness, and an abuse of power.”

Furthermore, to address the escalating aggression against the legal community, the SCBAP has decided to summon an emergency meeting of its executive committee to chart out a course of action.

“Let no one be mistaken, SCBAP reiterates its commitment to defending the rights of lawyers and upholding the fundamental rights, democratic principles, protection of human rights and rule of law,” it asserted.

Meanwhile, the HRCP also condemned the ongoing high-handedness of the state in suppressing PTI protestors and detaining several key party figures in Lahore during a protest against alleged electoral malpractice.It stated that all citizens, irrespective of their political affiliation, possess a constitutionally protected right to assemble freely and peacefully.

“The Punjab government must respect and uphold the right of its political rivals to do so, as this is crucial for restoring people's trust in the state,” it asserted.


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