Pindi transporters warn of 10% fare hike
The Rawalpindi’s transport federation and Qingqi rickshaw union on Friday demanded an immediate 10% increase in transport fares following the latest increase in petrol price.
The transport bodies also warned of hiking fares for all local, district and intercity routes themselves if the district administration failed to issue a notification in three days. Against Rs21 increase in the prices of petroleum products in the last three announcements by the government, all loader vehicles, pick and drop transport and vegetable and fruit grocery merchant loading vehicles have increased fares by 12%.
The transportation charges are expected to jack up the prices of vegetables, fruits and grocery items. Bike transport service Bykea, Qingqi rikhshaw and wagon drivers have already increased fares by Rs10. The central vice chairman of Transport Federation, Asif Khan said that the threetime increase in the petroleum prices have lifted the prices of spare parts of all vehicles from 500 to 800%. The prices of vehicles have increased by 100%, while vehicle repair rates have also been jacked up.
Similarly, traffic fines have also been increased by 50% and traffic police officials have also hiked inspection rates, he said, adding the salaries of drivers, helpers and conductors have also increased by 40%. Asif put his weight behind the increase in fares for all inter-district, long routes and inter-city routes forth with in consultation with the transport organisations. Bykea Motorcycle Transport Union vice president Sohail Abbasi claimed that the Bikeya fares have been justifiably raised in the wake of fuel cost hikes.