Mazahar Naqvi declines to participate in SJC proceedings

Forum completes proceedings; CJ says former judge was given several opportunities to cross-examine witnesses

Former Supreme Court Judge Justice (retd) Mazahar Ali Akbar Naqvi. PHOTO: FILE


Former Supreme Court judge Mazahar Ali Akbar Naqvi informed the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) that he would not participate in the forum's proceedings against him on the charge of misconduct, which were completed on Friday.

SJC Chairman Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa stated that the former judge was given several opportunities to cross-examine the witnesses but did not appear, adding that the forum could not compel anyone to do so.

The SJC met on Friday, with Chief Justice Isa in the chair. During the proceedings, witness Zahid Rafiq provided documents regarding Raja Safdar, a person involved in the sale of land to Naqvi. He told the forum that he did not make any arrangements for Naqvi's stay in London.

Chief Justice Isa asked him about the payment of £10,000. Rafiq replied that there was no such thing in his records, but added that £5,000 was paid. In response to another query from the chief justice, he said that he had not brought the audit report with him.

Read more: Naqvi granted chance to question witnesses

Zahid Rafiq stated that the paid money was not reflected in the audit report. The chief justice told the witness that no action was being taken against him and asked whether he was under pressure. On that, Rafiq replied that there was no pressure on him.

Chief Justice Isa said that a letter written by Justice (retd) Mazahar Naqvi had been received, which stated that the former apex court judge would not participate in the SJC proceedings. “This means that he [Naqvi] is aware of the council’s proceedings,” he said.

“We gave Mazahar Naqvi the chance to cross-examine [the witnesses], but he did not come. We cannot compel anyone to cross-examine,” the chief justice said. “We made the proceedings open at the request of Justice Retired Naqvi.”

The Chief Justice inquired whether the statements of all the witnesses were recorded. Additional Attorney General Amir Rehman replied in the affirmative. “Then your work is finished, and our work starts,” he added.


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