NA win sets stage for Shehbaz election tomorrow

Newly-stitched ruling alliance comfortably clinches speaker, deputy posts in NA

Ayaz Sadiq elected NA speaker, Ghulam Mustafa Shah his deputy. SCREENGRAB


In what appeared to be a dress rehearsal of the election of the prime minister, the newly-stitched ruling alliance passed the first test of showing its numerical strength on Friday when their nominees for the speaker and deputy speaker slots sailed through without any hiccup.

The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarian (PPPP) clinched the two top positions in the National Assembly as PML-N’s Ayaz Sadiq and PPPP’s Ghulam Mustafa Shah were elected speaker and deputy speaker, respectively, on NA’s second day of the inaugural session.

The result of the election of the speaker and deputy speaker was a forgone conclusion as both Sadiq and Shah were the joint candidates of the PML-N, PPPP, and MQM-P, among others, who have clear numerical superiority over the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-backed candidates sitting in assembly under the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) banner.

Sadiq and Shah defeated the SIC’s Amir Dogar and Junaid Akbar with a comfortable margin as Sadiq bagged 199 votes while Shah secured 197 votes during speaker and deputy speaker’s elections.

Dogar got 91 while Akbar secured 92 votes during the polls. Apparently, the day witnessed elections on key posts but the actual task was to check if the numbers were complete before the March 3 elections when the lawmakers would elect a new leader of the house – the new prime minister.

A notable positive highlight of the day occurred when Sadiq embraced Dogar upon winning the speaker election. The moment stood out in contrast to the remainder of the day's proceedings, which were tainted by the customary exchange of slogans against each other's leaders and resorting to personal attacks.

However, in a matter of seconds, PTI-SIC member Sher Afzal Marwat began vociferously chanting the slogan "mandate chor (thief)" as Sadiq engaged with PTI-SIC members seated in the front row.

Similar to the opening day of the inaugural session a day ago, the echoes of slogans such as "chor" (thief) and "ghari chor" (watch thief) persisted in the assembly hall all day. The chants were among other slogans voiced in support of two major political players: PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif and PTI's founding chairman Imran Khan.

SIC members kept resorting to calling opponents "chor" (thief) — a reference to corruption allegations that have been chasing Sharifs and others over the years — while the PMLN-led alliance kept responding with Ghari Chor — watch thief — a reference to the Toshakhana case where Imran has been accused to selling a watch gifted by Saudi royals.

Following the election of the speaker, outgoing Speaker NA Raja Pervez Ashraf administered the oath to Sadiq. Subsequently, Sadiq presided over the deputy speaker's elections and administered the oath to Shah after he secured an easy victory.

Throughout the day, Ashraf delivered his farewell speech, Sadiq assumed charge from him, Dogar delivered a scathing speech, and Mahmood Khan Achakzai's address was characterised as belligerent.

Achakzai not only called for an end to powerful stakeholders' roles in politics but also demanded the release of the PTI founding chairman.

Ashraf has served from April 2022 till March 1, 2024. He had replaced PTI’s then-speaker Asad Qaiser after then-PTI’s PM Imran Khan was ousted through a vote of no-confidence. His 23-month-long tenure has ended. In his farewell speech, he thanked the party heads for expressing trust in him.

In his first address to the 16th National Assembly after assuming the role of speaker, Sadiq emphasised the importance of collective efforts for the betterment of Pakistan. Speaker Sadiq underlined the significance of unity among members of the House, regardless of political affiliations.

“Both the government and opposition play vital roles in the parliament. All members must set aside their differences and work together constructively to propel Pakistan forward,” he stated.

Read Nawaz chooses Ayaz for NA speaker

Reaffirming his commitment to constitutional principles and the rule of law, Speaker Sadiq pledged to fulfil his duties with integrity, ensuring the impartial functioning of the National Assembly.

Openly inviting all members to engage in constructive dialogue, Speaker Sadiq urged the members of the House to refrain from personal criticism, promoting a spirit of unity and cooperation. "This House thrives on the contributions of every member, and I urge all to participate in constructive debate for the greater good," he stated.

After the oath, Sadiq took charge and assumed the office of the speaker NA, amid desk thumping. “Say thank you to boots as well,” PTI-SIC leader Marwat quipped as the newly-elected NA speaker thanked different party leaders as well as all those whom he finds close to his heart.

Sadiq, in a polite tone, urged the newly-elected lawmakers to criticise the decisions but should refrain from resorting to personal attacks. Offering that his office was open for all, he urged them to work together for the betterment of the country.

Meanwhile, Asif Ali Zardari, the PPPP President and would-be President of the country, also cast his vote. His son Bilawal Bhutto accompanied him.

Not a single slogan was raised either in favour or against Zardari even when he walked past the benches where SIC members were seated.

Shahbaz Sharif, the would-be candidate for the PM’s slot, also cast a vote amid sloganeering from both sides. Shehbaz was surrounded by his party members while PTI-SIC while holding Imran Khan’s posters started shouting slogans standing near the speaker’s desk.

PTI-backed candidates, including Sher Afzal Marwat, also held shoes in their hands while shouting "chor chor".

PML-N and PTI-backed candidates were standing against each other when Shehbaz decided to leave the assembly hall after he cast his vote. Subsequently, the sloganeering suddenly ended and legislators went back to their seats.

Meanwhile, Dogar while congratulating Sadiq said that PTI-SIC participated despite being deprived of seats, including reserve seats. Had the results come as per FORM 45, Dogar said, his votes would have been 225.

Till this morning, Dogar revealed, 91 members who voted for him were under severe pressure but still decided to stand by him till the end.

“This wasn’t election but selection,” Dogar said while referring to general elections and questioned what was the need to spend Rs50 billion on elections if the decision was to be made by those tasked to count votes rather than those who cast them.

He demanded to give back PTI-SIC won seats, saying the party was ready to cooperate.

Referring to the speaker’s offer of reconciliation, Dogar while paying tribute to Imran Khan’s struggle said that Imran has given the go-ahead for reconciliation but has linked it with the demand that PTI’s mandate should first be handed back.

Meanwhile, a group of PTI-SIC members initiated chants of "Lota, Lota" when Aleem Khan, their former party colleague who currently leads IPP, approached to cast his vote.

Ironically, many observers in the press gallery pointed out that Umar Ayub, the PTI-SIC candidate for the premiership, exhibited audacity in labelling others as turncoats, considering his own history of switching parties multiple times over the years.


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