TI, UoP launch youth climate fellowship

Participants will benefit from curriculum designed to challenge, expand their knowledge of combating climate change

Design: Ibrahim Yahya


In a landmark collaboration aimed at empowering the youth to tackle environmental challenges, the University of Peshawar (UoP) and Transparency International have come together to initiate the Youth Climate Fellowship Program. This significant partnership was solidified with the signing of a Letter of Agreement (LOA), marking a new chapter in climate governance education and sustainable development efforts.

The ceremonial signing saw the Vice Chancellor of the University of Peshawar, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem Hawad, and Director of Planning and Development, Prof. Dr. Bushra Khan, representing the academic institution. Their signatures were joined by those of Kashif Ali, Executive Director, and witnessed by Nasreen Memon, Project Coordinator from Transparency International, highlighting the collaborative spirit and mutual commitment to fostering environmental stewardship among the youth.

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This initiative will select 35 students from diverse departments within the University of Peshawar, providing them with an unparalleled opportunity to engage in an intensive nine-month program led by Dr. Shakeel Malik. The program aims to deepen participants’ understanding of climate change, policy development, sustainable practices, and the socio-economic dimensions of environmental issues.

Participants will benefit from a curriculum designed to challenge and expand their knowledge, equipping them with the skills necessary to contribute to global efforts in combating climate change. The fellowship program is not only an educational journey but also a platform for young leaders to advocate for meaningful change and sustainable practices in their communities and beyond.

Upon successful completion of the program, fellows will be awarded a certificate of completion and gain recognition from esteemed international organizations. This endorsement will serve as a testament to their dedication and expertise in the realm of climate governance.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 29th, 2024.


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