Cyber threat

Cyber threat poses not just financial risks but also threaten privacy, security of individuals, organisations

The surge in cyber threats gripping Pakistan is a harrowing alarm that must not be ignored. Kaspersky’s revelation of a 17% increase in malicious online activities from 2022 to 2023 should be seen as an urgent call for a robust cybersecurity overhaul.

Riding the tech wave, Pakistan embrace cutting-edge technologies like AI has opened up a Pandora’s box of vulnerabilities, turning our digital landscape into a battleground for cyber predators. This is a wakeup call for both public and private sectors to fortify our cyber defences. While technological progress has empowered us, it has also emboldened malicious entities to target our critical infrastructures. The Middle East, Africa and Asia are particularly under siege from attacks on industrial control systems. The stakes are high, as a successful breach could lead to disruptions in vital services or, worse, compromise national security. But it’s not just the infrastructures, our financial and personal data are also in jeopardy. Banking malware, trojans, ransomware and spyware are now lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike unsuspecting victims. They pose not just financial risks but also threaten the privacy and security of individuals and organisations. To address these challenges, robust investment in cybersecurity infrastructure and technologies is needed, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, to safeguard against cyber threats.

International cooperation is crucial, as cyber threats transcend national boundaries. Pakistan must collaborate with other countries, sharing threat intelligence and working together to combat cybercrime. Capacity building is also paramount, with a focus on training cybersecurity professionals and fostering innovation in the field. This cyber tumult requires a concerted effort to safeguard our digital assets. The time is now to make cybersecurity a cornerstone of our digital infrastructure.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 23rd, 2024.

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