Ethical use of AI in academia discussed

Over 70 students and faculty attend session


The Punjab University (PU) Center for Applied Molecular Biology (CAMB) organised a training workshop on 'the Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Academic Writings'. Tuesday’s event has proven a critical milestone in the academic community's journey towards integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into scholarly research and publication, attracting 55 on-site and 15 virtual participants’ intent on incorporating AI technology into their academic practices.

CAMB Director Prof Dr Rehan Sadiq Shaikh, Coordinator CAMB Creative Club Dr Muhammad Usman Ghani, faculty members, researchers and students were present. In his address, Prof Dr Sadiq highlighted the workshop's pivotal role in setting new standards of academic innovation, adding that feedback from participants has moved CAMB to consider organizing future events that further delve into the confluence of technology and academia.

‘AI training crucial for youth’

Dr Muhammad Usman Ghani welcomed the participants and lauded the efforts of Creative Club President Aqsa Ashraf and Vice President Asif Muneer, whose dedication ensured a seamless and productive experience for all attendees.

Participants were immersed in a comprehensive programme covering the use of AI tools for navigating ethical considerations in paper writing.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 21st 2024.


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