PPP to form govt in Balochistan despite challenges

Bugti observed that parties were resorting to criticism and accusations against institutions where they faced defeat

Interim Interior Minister Sarfaraz Bugti. PHOTO: PID


Former interior minister Sarfraz Bugti on Sunday said that the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) will form a government in Balochistan despite what he termed as "heinous actions" by nationalist parties.

Addressing a press conference alongside members of the parliamentary party from Balochistan, Bugti asserted that the PPP, being a federal party with representation from all four provinces, accepted the election results in the interest of Pakistan, even in the face of alleged rigging.

He shared there was an increasing influx of independents aligning themselves with the PPP after the elections. He pointed out that since the nationalist parties tasted drubbing and faced challenges, they were raising hue and cry.

In a pointed remark, Bugti further observed that nationalist parties tend to claim righteousness in areas of victory while resorting to criticism and accusations against institutions in regions where they face defeat.

Commenting on the language used by BNP’s Akhtar Mengal, Bugti criticised it as unfit for any civilised politician. He asserted that nationalists are struggling to comprehend the PPP's mandate.


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