Experts don't foresee 'independent' candidate becoming PM post-election

Say the political chessboard has not been rearranged to let PTI come to power again

Express News talk show 'Experts'. PHOTO: SCREENGRAB

Political analysts have dismissed the possibility of an independent candidate becoming prime minister following the 2024 election results, asserting that a "foolproof plan" has been devised to exclude Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) from the electoral process.

“Most of the candidates of PTI are forced to contest elections as independents, will they be permitted to form the government again, will the political chessboard, upturned by no-confidence motions, be rearranged to favour PTI's return as an independent entity? Naveed Hussain, Chief Editor, of The Express Tribune raised serious questions on Express News talk show "Experts".

Hussain stated that the whole plan has been concocted to leave the PTI out of the entire process. He said that not only had their election symbol been stripped away, but also their prominent leaders were incarcerated and entangled in politically motivated cases.

He highlighted the vigorous electoral campaign of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), while also pointing out the discrimination faced by PTI.

“I doubt that even if a larger number of independent candidates are elected, they would be able to secure the prime minister's position. PTI will not be allowed to come to power under any circumstances,” Hussain asserted.

He also underscored the reaction of international observers regarding the credibility of the elections.

“Currently, there is a noora kushti (fixed match). Pakistan's media might be restricted, possibly unable to convey the truth, but media worldwide is questioning the credibility of the elections," Hussain expressed his concern.

While criticising Bilawal's campaign, the senior journalist stated that PPP chairman is currently attacking the Sharif brothers and PML-N, despite previously praising Shehbaz Sharif and bestowing titles upon him like 'Shehbaz speed' and so forth, creating the impression that competition is underway.

Read also: Politicians should not engage in provincialism, say experts

“The parties that were part of the PDM government must come together to form the government,” Hussain contended.

Group Editor of Express News, Ayaz Khan in a satirical tone, remarked that people couldn’t decipher the statement of the Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar Sultan Raja. “It is decided that popularity doesn’t make the prime minister in Pakistan but ‘acceptance’ does,” Khan asserted.

Khan claimed that a guaranteed plan has been devised against PTI, which he believes is unprecedented. He asserts that such tactics were not witnessed even during the 2013 and 2018 elections.

“The PPP claims that their symbol of the sword was taken from them, while the symbol of the plough was also taken from the Qaumi Jamhori Itehad. They have been given an alternative electoral symbol, but the same is not the case for PTI," Khan highlighted.

Express News Islamabad Bureau Chief Amir Ilyas Rana agrees with Hussain’s argument, saying that no one cares about legal and constitutional rights. “This is the ground reality... elections in Pakistan are conducted in this way whether anyone accepts or not,” he said.

“Another negotiation with the IMF is set for March 9. If they refuse to negotiate, then they will say they don’t accept elections in Pakistan” Rana argued.

He claimed that the journalists who are writing and speaking in favour of PTI are split but Imran Khan is confident that he will get a deal one day.

“According to the Constitution, an independent candidate can become the prime minister, hoping for the same, PTI had attempted to hold intra-party elections but then backed out, PTI has completely surrendered,” Rana believes.

Express News Karachi Bureau Chief Faisal Hussain concurred with Rana, stating the PTI has made a political mistake as had they held an intra-party election, there was a possibility of victory. “By not holding intra-party elections, PTI gave a free pass to PPP and PML-N, now the playing field is wide open for them to buy whoever they want. This decision of PTI is utterly senseless,” Faisal observed.

Faisal dismissed the question of whether an independent candidate will become the prime minister or not, stressing the nation should pray and hope that whichever political party assumes the Prime Minister's Office completes its term and governs peacefully.

Express News Lahore Bureau Chief Mohammad Ilyas has also ruled out the possibility of independent candidates forming the government. He believed that independent candidates would support a majority party and the prime minister would belong to a political party.

He claimed that independent candidates only "fix rates" of their loyalty and "market forces" will work for independent candidates. “Whoever has a better position among PPP and PML-N will try to accommodate them,” Ilyas anticipated.



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