PTI gears up for intra-party polls

Appoints Raoof Hasan as poll commissioner

PTI leader Raoof Hasan. PHOTO: X/@RaoofHasan


The PTI on Wednesday appointed Raoof Hasan the federal election commissioner of the party with the formal approval of its general body meeting.

During the general body meeting, the PTI also approved a resolution to hold its internal elections regularly.

The PTI Central Secretariat was surrounded by a heavy contingent of the Islamabad police, who blocked all the roads leading to the building, compelling the party to hold its general body meeting virtually.

The convener of the general body meeting was Sibghatullah Virk, who read out the resolution.

The participants of the meeting included PTI leaders Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, Omar Ayub, Raoof Hasan, Shibli Faraz as well as members and officials from Quetta, Peshawar, Islamabad and other cities.

The PTI agreed to hold its internal polls as soon as possible after the resolution was passed.

The PTI’s internal polls in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, and other parts of the country will be conducted as per the instructions of its federal election commission.

The resolution passed by the governing body meeting read that if possible, the intra-party elections could be held digitally.
The resolution also approved that only the members registered on the PTI’s Raabta App would be eligible to contest and vote in the elections till January 31, 2024.

The PTI’s election commission should start preparations for the intra-party polls.

Omar Ayub will be the chief organiser of the PTI until the results of the intra-party elections were announced.

The resolution read that former premier Imran Khan was the founder of the PTI and would always remain it leader.

It added that the party condemned the arrest of Imran, his family, activists and leaders.

The resolution stated that the candidates nominated by the PTI for the general elections were not considered independent.
It continued that they would remain a part of the PTI even after the general polls.

Earlier, Hasan shared a post on social media platform X that the police had blocked the passage to the PTI central secretariat to stop the holding of general body meeting in connection with holding the intra-party elections. “This is a blatant [and] disdainful manifestation of state barbarity [and] fascism to stop [the] PTI from conducting an exercise as per [the Supreme Court’s] order,” he added.


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