Vawda says ‘horoscopes of father, daughter do not match’

Ex-minister says a manifest for youth written by Irfan Siddiqui in this age was not the way forward

Former federal minister Faisal Vawda took aim at the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) on Wednesday, saying that a manifesto for the youth written by Irfan Siddiqui in this age, was not the way forward.

Talking to private TV channel, Vawda said that some part of this manifesto was seen in 16-months PML-N-led government, in which there was only destruction; huge debts were taken and the cases were quashed.

About the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), he said that the way the PTI was running things, the result was the writing on the wall. It shot itself in the foot. About the cipher, he said that PTI founder Imran was not a conspiring mind himself, but he was a bit wet behind the ears and could easily be misled.

However, he added, the conspirators were around Imran. They were the ones who turned it into a conspiracy, he said. However, he added: “You have to pay the price now, [because] the law says that you pulled the trigger.”

ReadDecision-makers must guarantee elections will ensure economic growth: Vawda

Vawda said that for how many years would the next government last and how weak it would be, it was to be seen. However, he added that that the horoscopes of the father and the daughter did not match, but those of father and son were the same, while the horoscopes of uncle and nephew might match.

For a long-term government, Vawda stressed that former president Asif Zardari could not be removed.

However, he also said that elderly politicians should prepare to pass on. “If the retirement age of a bureaucrat is 60 or 62 years, the expiry date of a politician should be at least 70 years,” he added.

Vawda said that a push-start stuff would not work and if a PDM-2 – a reference to then opposition alliance that removed Imran from the government in 2021 and formed its own coalition government-- is formed, then this new government might stretch for two to two-and-a quarter years.

“I have no complaints about bureaucracy, democracy, establishment or anyone else. I want Bhutto alive; I want 14 years of Zardari back; they expelled Nawaz Sharif with the help of Black Law Dictionary; I want answer to the opening of offices on Sundays during Imran Khan's government.


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