False images of perfect lives: Saheefa Jabbar calls out celebrity, influencer couples

Model-turned-actor penned a long note slamming idealised portrayals of marital life

Pakistani actor and model, Saheefa Jabbar Khattak, recently took to Instagram to call out influencers and celebrities who post online content with little regard for their impressionable audience. Saheefa, who regularly makes awareness posts about mental health, underlined how famous couples feign perfection to indulge their fans.

The Beti actor shared a carousel post with a long note debunking myths of a perfect life. “Why are we presenting our audience with false images of perfect lives and setting unachievable standards and goals? It's a request to all celebrities and influencer couples: sit in front of the camera and at least let your younger audience know what our parents didn't teach us,” the model penned.
Saheefa continued to stress the importance of influential media figures divulging the struggles and efforts that made their success possible. “When you choose to announce your wedding, bridal shower, baby showers, honeymoon, vacation, please share with your audience how challenging it has been to achieve what you have accomplished so far as a couple and as individuals.”

The Log Kya Kahenge actor expressed her dislike for showbiz people who flaunt their highs without publicly acknowledging their lows, setting up unrealistic standards for their audiences. She added, “I hate it when a celebrity or influencer couple chooses to showcase only their happy and flourishing side to their audience without discussing their vulnerable moments.” 

Saheefa furthered on, “Every couple goes through conversations about separation or parting ways multiple times, yet they decide to stay together, give their relationship another chance, and ultimately succeed.” The actor also put her two cents in on divorce “becoming a common practice” and reiterated her stance against staying in an unhappy marriage.

“I am a big advocate of coming out of a toxic and abusive relationship. I strongly believe that one should never compromise on their dreams, ambitions, goals, self-respect, or mental health in a relationship,” Saheefa stated candidly. “However, I also want everyone to realise that calling it off has become an easier choice for many. One should not call it off on the mere basis that we are not vibing.” 

Discouraging a resort to divorce as an easy way out, the actor emphasised consistent effort and dedication of time as crucial for lasting relationships. Saheefa reflected on her life, admitting how she did not always practice this same wisdom. “I haven't been wise in past years. I was young, naive and didn't understand my social responsibilities. As I am growing older, I am understanding lots of things.”

Calling life a “learning process for all,” Saheefa urged celebrities and influencers to be honest with their followers. “Let our younger generation know about the hardships too. Tell them dropping out of college isn't cool and making temporary money from influencing isn't a permanent career path.” 

The actor went on to say, "Please stop posting about your foreign trips, setting unrealistic goals for the masses that are very, very hard to achieve." Asserting that she's "big on manifestation," Saheefa underscored how celebrities and influencers should strike a balance between showcasing their wins and setting bad examples.

"First, let your audience know how important it is to work hard, have faith, and maintain hope, then set yourself on a journey of becoming whatever you have aimed for. The journey is the key. Don't show them glitters without letting them know that you worked hard for it. A 15-year-old should never think this came easy to you," Saheefa emphasised.

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