Calligraphic works on display

Seminary students produce work after completing workshop at PNCA

Zulfiqar Baig January 12, 2024
Caretaker Federal Minister for National Heritage and Culture Jamal Shah takes keen interest in the calligraphic work of seminary students. PHOTO: EXPRESS


Calligraphic works of the seminary students, who took part in a two-week calligraphy workshop organised by the Pakistan National Council of the Arts, "A Calligraphic Journey," were put on display on Thursday.

Caretaker Federal Minister for National Heritage and Culture Jamal Shah inaugurated the exhibition and also awarded certificates to the students the completion of their workshop which gave an opportunity to the students to not only learn the skill but also showcase their calligraphic works.

The workshop was conducted by calligrapher Nasir Khan Seemab. The closing ceremony of the workshop and certificate distribution took place at the Gallery No 3 of National Art Gallery.

Shah expressed his satisfaction with the outcomes of the workshop, saying, "Witnessing the dedication and talent of these young calligraphers has been truly inspiring. This initiative reflects our commitment to nurturing artistic expression and preserving our cultural heritage. I am proud to have been part of this endeavour."


He added that this exhibition serves as a platform to celebrate their achievements and artistic endeavors by the participants of two-week long calligraphy workshop. The minister announced that another special calligraphy workshop would be organised for the teachers of various religious seminaries. This workshop was designed as a creative exercise specifically for Madrassa students, said Shah, adding that such workshops serve as an inclusive platform and provide an opportunity for seminary students to delve into the rich art of calligraphy, a revered art form deeply rooted in our cultural tapestry.

The minister highlighted how calligraphy transcends boundaries, emphasising values of patience, discipline and aesthetic expression. He said that mastering calligraphy not only preserve cultural heritage but also instills valuable skills such as focus, attention to detail and a deep appreciation for the artistry involved. These learned skills would serve as a foundation for these students, aiding their personal and professional growth, fostering a deeper understanding of their cultural roots and potentially opening doors to various artistic and professional opportunities in the future.

Federal Secretary, Humaira Ahmed, also provided remarks, commending the participants for their dedication.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 12th, 2024.


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