‘A Mirror’s Tale’ on display at PNCA

Solo event showcases masterful manipulation of reflective surfaces

Interim Federal Minister of National Heritage and Culture Jamal Shah takes a keen interest in the wildlife art exhibition inaugurated at the PNCA in the federal capital. PHOTO: ONLINE


The Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) opened a solo exhibition titled “A Mirror’s Tale’ by acclaimed artist Hussain Jamil.

The exhibition hosted by the PNCA Visual Arts Division was inaugurated by Ambassador of Morocco to Pakistan Mohamed Karmoune and PNCA Director General Muhammad Ayub Jamali.

The event showcases Jamil’s masterful manipulation of reflective surfaces, captivating patrons and art enthusiasts alike. Spanning the Grand Hall and Gallery 1 of PNCA, the exhibition conveyed Jamil’s profound appreciation for PNCA and its patrons through a heartfelt video message despite the artist’s absence at the opening ceremony. His insights into the works and admiration for the institution resonated deeply with the audience.

Jamil’s artistic finesse navigated the enigmatic world of reflections, transforming reflective surfaces into canvases that mirrored reality while transcending into realms beyond. His creations, more than mere arrangements of reflective materials, served as symphonies of storytelling, weaving narratives through fractured and crumbled sheets, whispering tales of depth and intrigue.

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“Welcome to a mesmerising journey through the realms of perception and illusion,” shared Jamil in his video message. He said, “My art aims to explore the multifaceted nature of reality, where reflections became gateways to understanding the layers that cloak our perceptions.”

Each artwork in the exhibition invited introspection, prompting viewers to contemplate the essence of existence as fragments and reflections converged to compose narratives laden with hidden stories.

On the occasion, PNCA DG Ayub Jamali said “We invited art enthusiasts, patrons, and the curious-minded to immerse them in this collection.”

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Jamil’s profound artistic expression captured the beauty found in imperfections, beckoning us to explore the complexities of the human experience, he added.

The exhibition will remain open for public viewing until January 20. It intends to provide a unique opportunity to engage with the reflective artistry of Hussain Jamil. Moreover, upon the artist’s arrival in Pakistan, the Visual Arts Division plans to host a meet-up offering complementary insights into his works and artistic journey.

As viewers wandered through this thought-provoking collection, they were encouraged to allow the reflections to guide them through a labyrinth of interpretations, discovering the beauty within the fractures and folds of Jamil's remarkable creations.


Published in The Express Tribune, January 8th, 2024.


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