Irrational resolution

Mysterious move in upper house to seek a resolution calling for postponement of elections is irritating

The muted, faceless and mysterious move in the upper house to seek a resolution calling for postponement of February 8 elections is irritating. It is not only devoid of logic, but also quite irrational. A little known independent Senator, out of the blue, tabled a motion urging the house members to vote for delaying the general elections citing inclement weather, deteriorating law and order situation, and the resurfacing of pandemic concerns. Ironically, he had the audacity to project the move as being in larger public interest, and said that holding the scheduled ballot would be tantamount to violation of fundamental rights. Notwithstanding what the script mentioned or how meritorious the stunt was, it is incomprehensive to believe that just 14 senators from a house of 100 could go ahead to table what is termed a ‘resolution’, and that no move was made from the chair to scuttle the same on grounds of maintainability and quorum.

It is consoling, nonetheless, that the caretaker information wizard and a PML-N senator distanced themselves from the move. It would have been more appropriate on their part to have lambasted such attempts on the floor of the house, and come out categorically with a parallel resolution pledging to hold polls on February 8, as scheduled. Their ducking out was not enough, and could cast an impression that attempts at delaying the polls under flimsy pretexts was fait accompli. Senator Dilawar Khan, and his likes, are all over, ready to throw a spanner in the works for the sake of an argument and making their presence felt. This is nothing but a popularity gimmick, and that too at the cost of national cohesion.

Holding free and fair elections, and that too on the specified date as announced by the ECP, is inevitable. The Supreme Court has already ruled that rumour-mongers over the issue shall be taken to task. Moreover, the international financial institutions are looking forward to it, as the wheel of economy is directly related to political stability. And that is not possible without a fresh and undisputed mandate from the people.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 6th, 2024.

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