PML-N on Cloud 9 over Nawaz's acquittal

Nawaz to contest fourth term in upcoming general elections

Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif addressing a press conference in London on March 31, 2023. SCREENGRAB


The PML-N on Wednesday broke into jubilation and heaved a sigh of relief after a stunning climax of the five-year case of the Avenfield reference, leaving the country’s political future potentially up for grabs for the party’s supreme leader Nawaz Sharif.
In a major development favouring the former prime minister, the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Wednesday handed down an acquittal verdict in the case, removing one of the last remaining thorns on his way back to the office.

A sense of festivity coursed through party's ranks as both Maryam Nawaz and Shehbaz Sharif as well as party workers exchanged sweets and chanted victory slogans. Talking to journalists outside the court after the major legal victory, Nawaz Sharif, a three-time prime minister with sights set on a potential fourth term in the upcoming general elections said, "I had entrusted my fate to Allah.

Similarly, in the Al-Azizia Steel Mills corruption reference, I have also placed my matters in Allah's hands."Asked for his reaction to PTI’s decision to pick Barrister Gohar for the post of PTI chairman. Nawaz, after a brief pause, cryptically remarked, "This is the nature of the system.”Nawaz Sharif's journey through the legal wrangle involved a significant period behind bars, encompassing 10 months and 26 days of incarceration spanning both the Avenfield and Al-Azizia Steel Mills references.

Read ‘Had left my affairs to Almighty’: Nawaz on acquittal in Avenfield reference

The Avenfield trial itself extended across 9 months and 28 days.During the hearings, Nawaz Sharif's presence in court was prominent, attending more than 100 sessions throughout the trial's duration, which witnessed a total of 107 hearings in the accountability court.During the proceedings in the IHC on Wednesday, Nawaz remained seated, attentively observing the court proceedings.

Occasionally engaged in conversation with Ishaq Dar or engrossed in his mobile phone, he maintained a composed demeanour.As the proceedings concluded and the court delivered the verdict, Nawaz stood up amid congratulatory gestures from PML-N leaders and legal counsel. Later, supporters of the PML-N thronged outside the court, chanting slogans while lawyers joined in the fervour.

Meanwhile, Nawaz’s brother and party president Shehbaz Sharif has also expressed gratitude to the judiciary for delivering justice. “Thanks to Allah that we’re seeing this day where my leader, elder brother, party, and family have been exonerated,” he added.Shehbaz said that his brother was innocent and the Almighty today has exonerated him of all charges.

The PML-N president concluded by commending Nawaz Sharif's resilience in the face of political adversaries, saying that even in life's bitterest moments, his leader never lost courage.Nawaz’s daughter and party’s Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz also hailed the court’s decision, praising the triumph as an example of resilience in the face of oppression."When a person entrusts his affairs to Allah despite enduring injustice, how Allah elevates that person in the eyes of the whole world is truly exemplary! Thanks be to Allah!" Maryam wrote on his official X handle.

Read more IHC to hear both Nawaz, NAB’s appeals today

Women Wing celebrateThe PML-N Women's Wing, represented by former MPA Kanwal Liaquat advocate, expressed immense joy and relief following “the honourable acquittal” of Nawaz Sharif in the Avenfield reference case.The party’s women workers distributed sweets and exchanged congratulatory sentiments among themselves in celebration. They chanted slogans in favour of the party's leadership.Separately, according to insider sources, PML-N’s chief organizer Maryam Nawaz received the news of the acquittal while in Model Town. Maryam, present at a relative's residence, was elated upon learning of the court's decision.

“Reacting to the news, Maryam Nawaz expressed heartfelt gratitude to Allah, immediately offering prayers as an act of thanksgiving, while warm congratulations poured in from near and dear ones to Maryam,” the party sources said."Nawaz Sharif entrusted his case to Allah Almighty, and now Allah has served the fairest justice," Maryam said, emphasising “the validation of Nawaz Sharif's truth and the deceit of those fabricating charges against him”.
Maryam later extended her felicitations to her father via a telephonic conversation.


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