Angelina Jolie calls Pakistan's deportation of Afghans 'backsliding in human rights'

Star took to Instagram to shed light on the issue

Renowned star and humanitarian, Angelina Jolie, took to her Instagram to express her deep concern and sadness over the mass deportation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan. In a heartfelt post, Jolie, who has been a longstanding advocate for refugees and human rights, criticised the abrupt decision to push back vulnerable Afghan families facing the harsh realities of surviving in today's Afghanistan.

In her Instagram post, Jolie highlighted Pakistan's historical role as a supporter of Afghan refugee families for decades. She lamented the sudden deportation, especially considering the current dire situation in Afghanistan, where women are being deprived of basic rights, education is becoming increasingly inaccessible, many are facing imprisonment, and a severe humanitarian crisis is unfolding.

"Pakistan has been a supporter for many Afghan refugee families for decades," said the actor. "I am saddened they would so abruptly push back refugees who face the impossible realities of trying to survive in today’s Afghanistan, where women have again been deprived of all rights and the possibility of education, many are being imprisoned, and there is a deep humanitarian crisis."

She continued, "It is yet another example of the backsliding in human rights globally, and is a new tragedy in the long history of the suffering of Afghan people - who have experienced nothing but war and conflict and displacement for over forty years, and are being abandoned by the world after all the promises that were made of a better future for the Afghan people."

The star urged her followers to stay informed and aware of the unfolding crisis, providing a link in her Instagram bio for access to Afghan reporting. Jolie has also been one of the few Hollywood celebrities who spoke up about the massacre and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population. As the international community grapples with the repercussions of the situation in Afghanistan, Jolie's poignant Instagram post serves as a powerful call to action.

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