Terrorists attack police camp, rob toll plaza

Assailants resorted to using hand grenades and medium machine guns to create chaos

Police officers take position after a police office building was attacked by terrorists in Karachi on February 17, 2023. PHOTO: REUTERS


A policeman was killed when armed terrorists stormed a police camp near a toll plaza in DI Khan district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) late on Saturday.

Police told The Express Tribune that the terrorists not only attacked their camp but also looted Rs4 lakh from a nearby toll plaza, taking advantage of the cover of darkness.

According to a police official, the attack unfolded late at night as the terrorists infiltrated the police camp. Tragically, a police constable named Sher Alam lost his life during the ensuing gunfight.

The assailants resorted to using hand grenades and medium machine guns to create chaos, but they eventually fled when met with fierce resistance from the police.

Furthermore, the attackers managed to execute an organized robbery at a nearby toll plaza, absconding successfully with cash and mobile phones.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has been implicated in both the attack and toll plaza robbery, highlighting the orchestrated nature of the assault.

In response to this grave situation, the police registered a First Information Report (FIR) and initiated an investigation into the case to bring the culprits to justice.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 30th, 2023.


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