Canadian delegation visits shrine Piran Basahan Sharif

Canadian delegation visited shrine Piran Basahan Sharif in Haveli area of Azad Jammu and Kashmir


A Canadian delegation on Wednesday visited the shrine Piran Basahan Sharif in Haveli area of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

The delegation was received by custodian of shrine Basahan Sharif Dr Pir Ali Raza Bukhari. The visiting delegation was briefed about the Raza Foundation projects including the MentorU School system in Haveli.

The team members of Canadian delegation including the visionary founder of the Four World Centre of Development Learning at the University of Alberta Professor Dr Micheal Bopp, the Founder of Safe Water in Calgary Dr Bob Dickson, and Pakistan Council for Social Welfare and Human Rights Chairman Muhammad Ijaz Noori appreciated the social and educational projects of Raza Foundation which are contributing in education sector.

Upon their arrival at the Raza Foundation school’s visit the students extended a warm welcome to the guests and presented them floral bouquets.

Later the Canadian delegation was briefed about the historical and religious importance of the area by Pir Ali Raza Bukhari who later gave away the honorary shields to the guests.

On this occasion delegation said that they were impressed by the natural beauty of the area and in future they will continue to coordinate with the host for the betterment of the society particularly in education and health sectors.

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