No level-playing field for arsonists: PM Kakar

Says those hoping 'recent events' can be brushed aside and arsonists should be treated like others are 'mistaken'

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar appearing for an interview with TRT World on Tuesday, September 26, 2023. SCREENGRAB


Interim Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar has reassured that the caretaker government was committed to offering a level-playing field to all political parties, but refuted any notion that recent events should be forgotten or that arsonists should receive the same treatment as other political players.

In a tacit reference to the May 9 incidents, PM Kakar stated that it was not possible to provide a level-playing field and grant people a license to burn down everything just because they believe everything should be forgotten now that the caretaker government has assumed power. “It cannot happen.”

Those thinking that the recent events can be forgotten and the arsonists should also be treated like other political players were mistaken, the caretaker premier made it clear.

While expressing hope that the date of the elections would soon be announced, he said that he couldn’t do anything to create a level-playing field for a certain party, asking if everyone remembered the level-playing field of 2018 when the South Punjab front was formed.

The premier pointed out that maintaining social order was impossible if someone claimed to support democracy while threatening to burn down the parliament or assault the Prime Minister House.

The law doesn’t see it that way, he stressed.Speaking hypothetically, he stated that if an individual were to burn down 10 Downing Street under the pretence of exercising democratic rights, and subsequently demanded their rights without facing legal consequences, “I’ll see how such an incident is responded” in the UK.

PM Kakar further questioned, "If JUI-F were engaged in similar actions, would the public perceive them in the same way they currently do for a political party?" In such a scenario, people would have branded them as radicals and called for military strikes with F-16 fighter jets.

He asked about the potential reaction if the PML-N, PPP, or any other party had carried out the same actions. “Isn’t it the rule of law that they [PTI officials] are being tried under procedures,” he questioned.

‘No special treatment given to Nawaz’

PM Kakar also responded to criticisms surrounding the provision of a biometric facility to former premier Nawaz Sharif upon his return from London, arguing that no special measures were taken, as Nawaz was entitled to the same benefits as any other natural-born citizen.

"To present a normal database procedure as if there was no level-playing field" was incorrect, he stated.

Furthermore, in another allusion to PTI, the interim premier pointed to previous instances of political imbalance, he questioned whether anyone remembered the level-playing field during the formation of the South Punjab front in 2018 and the subsequent events that unfolded.

Generally, the PM said, the caretaker government’s job was to assist the election process and largely provide a level-playing field to all the political parties as per the government’s standards.Still, he said, questions would be raised and parties wouldn’t find it as per their standards.

The premier said that the interim government didn’t want any major political party to be excluded from the political process unless they were legally barred from doing so.

“If courts' decisions bar me or you, whether rightly or wrongly, we will have to accept it under the system,” PM Kakar said. It has happened in the past, it’s happening right now and it will happen in the future, he said.

It can stop if the upcoming parliament goes for reforms and declares that the parliament would be the final appellate authority of the court decisions.

“What measure can we take in a month or two that would help a political party to get 171 seats [in parliament] and form government,” PM Kakar said, adding all the political parties should focus on their respective narratives.

To a question about the interim government’s economic performance, the PM said that the government would respond to it at the end of its tenure.

On dollar rate, he said the dollar rate had meaningfully reduced for the first time in the country's history.

To another query, the prime minister said the existing business model of print media was flawed and would collapse. The print media entities should realign their business approach to thrive the private business instead of relying on the state.

The questions PM abstained

However, the premier refused to answer a host of questions, including those about the delay in CPEC projects, the impact of sit-ins, the inclusion of Iran and Afghanistan in CPEC, Iran's offer to provide electricity, the reception of Nawaz Sharif by state officials, and the implementation of the Supreme Court’s judgment on the Faizabad sit-in.

He stated, "I abstain from providing a definitive answer, neither affirming nor denying any of these matters."

The most important aspect of Chinese visit

Apart from the developments related to BRI and CPEC, PM Kakar said that the most important aspect of the Chinese visit was that China has supported Pakistan’s traditional stance seeking a resolution of Indian Illegally Occupied Kashmir in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions.

In response, the premier said, Pakistan reiterated its support for core Chinese interests and value system.

Referring to Pak-China strengthening relationship, PM Kakar said: “We know that it is being observed within and outside the region but to exhibit and display this gesture was of utmost importance.”

Middle East and Arshad Sharif

The premier disclosed that he along with caretaker ministers raised the Middle East’s situation with the leadership of several countries, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese, Sri Lankan and Kenyan leadership, saying he also pursued the case of slain journalist Arshad Sharif with the Kenyan leadership and urged them to share details of their investigation into the matter.

To a question, the PM said that he wanted people to focus on the stimulus that the Chinese investment would generate instead of getting stuck with numbers or total investment as a result of roughly 20 MoUs signed during the recent visit.

PM Kakar said that the Pakistani side has learnt three words – coordination, cooperation and consultation – saying the investment hasn’t yet come as things were at the planning phase.

He added that continuation of policies and projects irrespective of the change in governments.

PM Kakar said that Pakistan and Chinese leadership were very clear about Indian efforts to scuttle CPEC.

To the question whether the government was mulling appointing Pakistan’s ambassador in Afghanistan following the footsteps of China, PM Kakar said that right now the government was only sending “illegal Afghans” back to Afghanistan.

Chinese investment

PM Kakar said that the Chinese investment expected under the newly signed 20 MoUs would prove to be a stimulant for Pakistan's economic growth.

The prime minister, along with a high-level delegation visited China from October 16-20, mainly to attend the Belt and Road Forum where he also held bilateral meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Qiang, and the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

During the visit, the two sides signed 20 agreements and MoUs, covering cooperation on the BRI, infrastructure, mining, industry, green and low-carbon development, health, space cooperation, digital economy, development cooperation and export of agricultural products to China.

"The signing of 20 MoUs was very encouraging. This is after a long time that the MoUs in such a huge number were signed with China...we have brought along three guiding principles of coordination, cooperation and consultation with us,” he said.

He said a designated cell at the Prime Minister's Office would carry out the follow-up of the bilateral and other engagements with China to pave the way for their implementation.

Mentioning his interaction with the Chinese business leaders, he said under the second phase of CPEC, the Chinese private business entities would invest in Pakistan's agriculture, mining and other sectors.

He told the newsmen that Pakistani leadership's "constructive" engagement with Chinese counterparts was well received by the Chinese people, media and think tanks.

Emphasizing the consistency of relations with China, he expressed the hope that the upcoming government would carry forward the momentum as any deviation from the commitments might put the state’s dignity at stake.

He said the address by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the forum was in fact an answer to all the challenges confronting China, the region as well as the whole world.

He said the land, sea and aerial connectivity under the Belt and Road Initiative would not only bring the regions closer but also create opportunities for the people.

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Murtaza Solangi, Interior Minister Sarfaraz Bugti, Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, Privatisation Minister Fawad Hassan Fawad, Commerce Minister Gohar Ejaz and Planning Minister Sami Saeed accompanied the prime minister.

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