PTI demands formation of judicial commission

Spokesperson says truth behind May 9 events should come to the fore

A young woman chants slogans in support of Imran Khan at a rally for his party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf on May 9, 2013 in Islamabad. PHOTO: Myra Iqbal/Express


The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Chapter has demanded of the provincial leadership to form a judicial commission to investigate into the incidents of May 9.

Addressing a news conference at the Peshawar Press Club on Monday, PTI spokesperson Moazzam Advocate said that the hidden truth behind the events of May 9 should be brought out, and a judicial commission should be formed to investigate these events.

The PTI spokesperson vowed that the party would keep fighting till the truth came to the fore.

He said that practically, the market of likes and dislikes was hot in the country and even the blind could see who was the favourite of whom?

“Our party leaders and workers are being arrested and bound while violating the sanctity of the wall, which is completely excessive and against the Constitution and law.”

Moazzam said that it was the responsibility of the caretaker K-P chief minister, chief secretary and the inspector general of police to take notice of these extrajudicial raids and arrests and do justice to their positions and duties.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 24th, 2023.

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