Repeated PTI arrests draw judicial ire

PHC CJ orders strict adherence to court orders


The Chief Justice of the Peshawar High Court (PHC) has expressed frustration over the repeated arrests of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders, despite clear court orders to the contrary.

Chief Justice Ibrahim Khan presided over the case against the unlawful arrest of PTI’s former city president, Irfan Saleem, on Tuesday.

The chief secretary, inspector general of police, advocate general, and the petitioner’s lawyer were present in the court during the hearing.

Chief Justice Khan emphasized that the court’s orders were being repeatedly disregarded. He pointed out that the court grants bail to an individual, but they are still rearrested.

Read more: PHC seeks PTI leaders’ case details

Addressing the chief secretary and the inspector general of police, he ordered them to ensure that these orders would not be violated again. Both officials assured the court that they would strictly adhere to the court’s directives.

The chief justice clarified that the court’s decisions are made in accordance with the law, without bias toward any specific political party.

He highlighted the essential role of the police and civil administration in maintaining law and order in the province, emphasizing the importance of obeying court rulings.

He stated that this compliance is indicative of a civilized society, and actions should not reflect uncivilized behavior.

Also read: Four PTI female workers rearrested after release

The petitioner had argued that despite the court suspending Irfan Saleem’s arrest under the Maintenance of Public Order (MPO) Act, the deputy commissioner ordered his arrest again on September 28. An application was submitted to the chief justice, which was subsequently converted into a writ petition.

During the proceedings, the chief secretary assured the court that its orders would be respected and enforced without exception.

The CJ also stressed the importance of informing all deputy commissioners and commissioners about the court’s decisions and ensuring the prompt implementation of court orders in the future.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 18th, 2023.


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