PTI slams PM over polls sans PTI remarks

Spokesperson says any elections without Imran, PTI would be 'unconstitutional, illegal, and unethical'

Imran Khan's supporters shout slogans against his arrest during a rally in Quetta. PHOTO: AFP/FILE


The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has strongly condemned the caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar for his recent statement suggesting that free and fair elections could proceed without the participation of PTI Chairman Imran Khan and his party.

In a stern rebuke, a PTI spokesperson expressed strong disapproval on Sunday, emphasising that any elections held without Imran Khan and PTI would be considered unconstitutional, illegal, and unethical.

The spokesperson emphasised that the public would vehemently reject such a proposition.

The criticism from PTI comes after PM Kakar stated that it was possible to have "fair" elections without Imran Khan, who is currently in custody due to corruption charges, and his party leaders who were jailed following violent riots on May 9.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Kakar also highlighted that thousands of PTI members, who had not been involved in any unlawful activities, would be participating in the electoral process.

Reacting to the caretaker prime minister's statement, the PTI spokesperson expressed concern about a lack of sensitivity within the state structure towards the principles of the constitution, democracy, and national interests.

The spokesperson also underscored that PTI stands as the largest and sole representative political party at the federal level.

“All indicators of popularity clearly identify PTI chief Imran Khan as the nation's most prominent political leader. Any attempt to sideline the most popular political party and its leader from the electoral process could have dire consequences for the country.”

The constitution, the rule of law, democratic norms, and ethical considerations all preclude the prime minister from participating in any unnatural, undemocratic, or unconstitutional manoeuvre aimed at influencing politics and elections, the spokesperson firmly asserted.

The spokesperson further demanded that Kakar promptly clarify his statement. As the caretaker prime minister, he should unequivocally distance his government from any sinister plans that may weaken the democratic process, the spokesperson demanded.

The country’s main opposition party, having faced months of crackdowns, has been raising concerns about whether the caretaker government and ECP are capable of holding fair elections.

Earlier this month, the PTI also expressed concerns over statements made by Caretaker Prime Minister Kakar, criticising his silence on the crucial issue of ensuring free and fair elections within the mandated 90-day period.

The party spokesperson had expressed surprise and concern over the interim prime minister's stance on the May 9 incidents, noting his vocal stance on various matters while remaining silent on this critical issue.

Imran was jailed on August 5 for corruption charges. Later, the court suspended his three-year sentence, but he has remained in prison over charges related to the cypher case.

The caretaker PM during Friday’s interview also declined to play any role in recommending judges to overturn Imran's conviction in the Toshakhana case. In response to a question, he emphasised non-interference with judicial decisions and stressed that the judiciary should not be used as a tool for political purposes.

"We are not pursuing anyone with personal vendettas," Kakar asserted. "But we will ensure that the law is upheld. Anyone, whether it's Imran Khan or any other politician, who violates the country's laws in their political conduct, must be held accountable. We cannot equate this with political discrimination."




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