Climatic exigency

Guterres has led from the front, and his intentions are not to snub the rich states

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has set a precedent in being real when it comes to core issues. Shunting out China and the United States from the ‘Climate Ambition Summit’, he plans to go ahead in chalking out a way to address fossil fuel issues and the enigma of climatic deterioration. The fact that the world’s two biggest emitters of carbon did not feel it appropriate to send in their top tier leadership to the world body exhibited their double standards, and the UN chief by leading from the front has called on all serious thinkers and practical solution wielders to come forward to make it a success. Apart from Beijing and Washington, India and the UK have also been interned as they failed to walk the talk in taking measures to slash temperatures and emissions.

It is an enigma that from Kyoto to Paris, only protocols had been endorsed and nothing substantial had been done to ward off climate change. This lip service has served no purpose. The world is, thus, sizzling and the seasonal impact is dwindling in terms of absence of a fair share of rain and snow. Whereas, in many zones of the world, melting glaciers and drought are posing severe environmental hazards, coupled with industrial degeneration, as emissions are taking a toll on health and longevity. Last but not least, greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise as fossil fuel producing countries reap profits. Likewise, the agreed structural pattern to transform the lifestyle into a non-carbon module is nowhere in sight. Apparently, this is why the G20 leadership that gathered in New Delhi last week was reminded to honestly pool in their share of $100 billion per year to combat the environmental menace.

Guterres has led from the front, and his intentions are not to snub the rich states, but to make them realise that there is an existential threat at hand. It’s high time to spell out solutions and abide by their implementation. Achieving net-zero greenhouse targets is the way to go.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 21st, 2023.

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