Protesting abductions

Protest was for justice for abducted individuals in interior Sindh as well as a plea for recognition, equality

Out of sheer desperation, the minority community of Karachi came out to protest for the second time at Teen Talwar against human rights abuses. Their grievances, compounded by years of neglect and discrimination, attempted to find a voice that would reach the concerned authorities who had previously failed to follow up on their promises of retrieving those forcefully abducted. Hollow assurances and insincere consolations have further eroded their trust.

The protest was not just about seeking justice for the abducted individuals in interior Sindh, it was a plea for recognition, equality and the fundamental right to live without fear. Karachi is often celebrated as a melting pot of different ethnicities, languages and religions. But beneath the surface lies the harsh reality: minorities continue to face immense struggles in gaining adequate recognition and respect. Apart from systemic discrimination by state apparatuses, human rights abuses are carried out regularly by religious zealots, leaving an indelible mark of ignorance and benightedness on society. Unfortunately, taking to the streets for the second time is a disheartening reminder that their voices often go unheard and their concerns unaddressed. The demand for proper registration of FIRs and an investigation followed by the retrieval of those abducted is a necessity and a fight to uphold diminishing justice and accountability. By failing to do so, the authorities not only perpetuate a culture of impunity but also send a message that the rights and safety of minorities are not a priority. This should be a cause for concern for all citizens who believe in the principles of justice and equality.

The protesters’ demand for the formation of Joint Investigation Teams and adherence to the law is also a reasonable and necessary step towards addressing these grievances. It is imperative that the relevant department including the Home Department and the Sindh Police fulfil their promises and provide justice in a timely manner.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 14th, 2023.

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