Think about your people: Maya Ali, Ahmed Ali Butt speak up against economic situation

Actors urged others towards action

Prominent Pakistani celebrities Maya Ali and Ahmed Ali Butt have taken to their Instagram Stories to express their frustration and concerns about the economic turmoil currently affecting the nation. As the cost of living continues to rise and economic challenges persist, these actors have used their social media platforms to highlight the issues faced by ordinary citizens.

Maya made a heartfelt plea on her Instagram Story. She stated, "Things are getting out of control. With every passing minute, everything just seems to be getting more and more expensive. For God's sake, please think about your people, it will increase the ratio of crime. Come out of your air-conditioned room and instead of fighting for power, fight for your country and your people. This isn't what the sacrifices were made for."

Her message resonated with many Pakistanis who have been grappling with the impact of rising prices and economic instability. Her call for unity and a focus on the well-being of the people rather than political power struck a chord with her followers.

Meanwhile, actor and comedian Ahmed also voiced his concerns on Instagram, directing his attention toward a cricket match being played amid the country's economic struggles. He asked, "How can you watch cricket today pretending everything is 'hunky-dory' when our people are suffering because of selfish, stupid economic policies? No desire left to celebrate when there is nothing left to celebrate."

In another story, Ahmed addressed the issue of increased gas prices and government perks. He commented, "All the government employees get free electricity and gas and fuel. How can they relate to the working-class problems? Time for them to pay because I sure am not paying their vacation money no more." His frank and unfiltered comments touched on the growing frustration among citizens who feel that government officials are out of touch with the everyday struggles faced by ordinary Pakistanis.

The economic challenges facing Pakistan have been a cause for concern among both citizens and experts. Rising inflation, increased utility prices, and unemployment have contributed to a sense of unease in the country. These issues have sparked protests and demands for economic reforms from various sectors of society.

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