13 new dengue cases surface in Rawalpindi

Administration registered as many as 1,802 FIRs on violations of anti-dengue SOPs

A patient suffering from dengue fever sits under a mosquito net inside a dengue and malaria ward at the Sindh Government Services Hospital in Karachi September 21, 2022. PHOTO: REUTERS


At least 13 more patients were diagnosed with dengue virus in the last 24 hours as the series of mosquito bites and the arrival of patients with complaints of high fever in hospitals across the garrison city continued on the weekend.

District Coordinator Epidemics Prevention and Control Dr Sajjad Mehmood, said the Rawalpindi administration registered as many as 1,802 FIRs on violations of anti-dengue SOPs from January 1 to date in various areas of the district.

Giving details of the punitive actions, he said that the district administration, in collaboration with allied departments, had sealed 438 premises, issued tickets to 646 and a fine of Rs31,33,000 was imposed on violations of dengue SOPs in 2023.

Dr Sajjad informed that around 150 confirmed cases had been reported in the district this year, while the number was 310 in 2022, and four in 2021 during the period.

Read Dengue spreads to 10 districts

The health officer further stated that presently, 47 patients were admitted to the city’s allied hospitals out of which 27 were confirmed cases. He added that no patient had died so far while 111 patients had been discharged from public health facilities after treatment.

During the last 24 hours, he said, 13 more cases were reported while 63 FIRs registered, 18 tickets issued, and 28 premises were sealed.


Published in The Express Tribune, August 28th, 2023.


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