Promotion of harmony stressed

'Unity of ulema, scholars and general public important to keep peace in society'

Draft demands commemorating interfaith harmony day. STOCK IMAGE


Advisor to the Caretaker Chief Minister on Tourism, Culture and Archeology, Zafar Mehmood has said that the unity of ulema, scholars and general public is very important to keep peace in society. Islam teaches us to promote law and order and social welfare.

He said that the ability to bring the Muslim Ummah out of crisis and make it prosperous is hidden only in following Islamic principles.

The advisor said that Islam completely rejects sectarianism, extremism and bigotry of Jahiliyya and teaches harmony and dissociation between different schools of thought.

Therefore, there is a dire need today to forget mutual differences in order to end sectarianism and maintain peace and order. Adviseor to the Chief Minister said that the month of Muharram reminds us of the great sacrifices of the martyrs of Karbala and sacrifice your life for peace and order.


Published in The Express Tribune, July 29th, 2023.

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