Kareena Kapoor, Masaba Gupta face backlash for using the N-word in old interview

‘They said the offensive word so casually,’ wrote a user on Twitter

In an old episode of her chat show What Women Want, Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor found herself at the centre of a controversy as a clip resurfaced online, revealing her casual use of a racial slur. Joined by fashion designer and actor Masaba Gupta as a guest, the two discussed colourism and racism, with Kareena's inappropriate remark not sitting well with Twitter users.

During the conversation, Kareena asked Masaba about her experience with racist comments regarding her mixed heritage - being the daughter of actor Neena Gupta and veteran West Indies cricketer Viv Richards. Masaba, who was born in November 1989, shared that she’s often baffled by the obsession with fair skin in India and highlighted the prevalence of racism within the country.

"I don't understand why Indians are racist to begin with because half of our population is dark. I don't get why they have the obsession with fair skin; it is something that has always baffled me," Masaba remarked, adding that she’s often subjected to derogatory remarks and slurs.

“But you know, with me, the thing is that anything to do with black people, you know you get called negro, which by the way, is now a word that is banned in most places,” she said. To which, Kareena chimed in and used a racial slur herself.

She said, "Or n*****, for that matter, is banned." Masaba acknowledged the offensiveness of the word, and said, "Absolutely, n***** is banned, you can't really say that. It is considered very offensive. Also, they (people) start comparing you with apes and monkeys. That is something I get a lot."

The clip from the chat show recently resurfaced on Twitter, sparking outrage and criticism from users. Many questioned Kareena’s understanding of racial sensitivity and were disappointed by her use of the racial slur.

One user wrote, "Just a couple of imbeciles chatting."

Another expressed disbelief, stating, "Did she actually say that?!" Several others called out Kareena's insensitivity, with one user noting, "In her mind, white skin is still superior. I dislike this woman so much."

As the controversy unfolded, many Twitter users questioned whether Masaba had the right to use the racial slur, considering her mixed-race heritage.

However, the focus remained on Kareena's careless usage of the offensive term, contradicting her acknowledgement that it was banned. The resurfaced chat show clip has reignited conversations about racial sensitivity, cultural awareness, and public figures' responsibility in promoting inclusivity and respect.

Masaba, in the same interview, also shared her experiences of facing discrimination as a child due to her mixed heritage. On Instagram, she spoke about growing up as a "mixed" child, feeling like a “unique individual” until she discovered others like her during a trip to Antigua, where her father resides.

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