Protect Karoonjhar Mountain

Karoonjhar Mountain in Sindh holds a rich historical background and deep poetic attachment for the locals

Karoonjhar Mountain in Sindh holds a rich historical background and deep poetic attachment for the locals.

It is often associated with myths and has immense significance for the Hindu community. One of the notable legends associated with Karoonjhar is the story of Roplo Kolhi, a rebellious figure who fought against the British
in the area.

The mountain is said to have provided shelter and a strategic advantage for Roplo Kolhi and his followers during their resistance.

In addition to its historical and cultural importance, Karoonjhar Mountain is also known for its rich biodiversity. Thousands of herbs and shrubs with medicinal properties are found on the mountain.

This natural treasure has attracted the attention of researchers and nature enthusiasts.

However, despite its significance, Karoonjhar Mountain has faced threats over the years.

Influential individuals and organisations have attempted to exploit the resources of the mountain, which has been strongly condemned by the local community.

The exploitation of the mountain not only damages its natural beauty but also threatens the delicate balance of its ecosystem.

Recently, a movement to save Karoonjhar has gained momentum on social media platforms, which has drawn attention to the potential dangers the mountain faces.

Unfortunately, it has come to light that the government of Sindh, specifically the Mine and Mineral Department, has published a tender in the local papers to grant a lease for the exploitation of Karoonjhar.

This action has been met with widespread condemnation from the local community and environmental activists.

The locals, along with concerned citizens, are raising their voices in opposition to the potential lease, advocating for the preservation of Karoonjhar Mountain.

The government and relevant authorities must listen to these concerns and take the
necessary steps to protect this natural and historical treasure.

Mukesh Raja

Published in The Express Tribune, July 25th, 2023.

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