COAS sets sight on 'agri revolution'

Gen Asim says no power can hinder country’s path to progress

COAS General Asim Munir. PHOTO: ISPR/FILE


the country, assuring the nation that no power in the world could stop Pakistan from advancing on the path to progress.

Gen Asim inaugurated the Khanewal Model Agricultural Farm aimed at bolstering the agricultural sector and promoting national prosperity.

The event was also attended by local farmers and officials from various sectors.

Addressing the opening ceremony, the army chief told the participants that the scope of ‘Green Initiative’ would be spread all over Pakistan.

He expressed his determination to steer Pakistan out of the prevailing crisis.

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"We have decided to lead Pakistan out of the current crisis," he said.

"The army belongs to the people, and the people belong to the army,” the COAS added, emphasising the strong bond between the armed forces and the people.

Highlighting the military's dedication to the welfare of the people and the country, the army chief stated that Pakistan Army took pride in serving the nation.

He praised the Pakistanis for their pride, self-respect, and competence, while recognising the nation's potential to overcome challenges.

“Pakistanis are proud and talented people. All Pakistanis should throw away the begging bowl,” he said.

“Almighty Allah has blessed Pakistan with all the blessings,” Gen Asim told the event. “The agricultural revolution will continue in Pakistan and no power in the world can stop us from progressing.”

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Chief of Army Staff Gen Syed Asim Munir on Monday said an agricultural revolution would continue in

COAS Gen Asim hailed the government's plans for an agricultural uplift, expressing his confidence in the transformation of the agricultural landscape of Pakistan.

"Pakistan will witness an agricultural revolution," he said.

The Khanewal Model Agricultural Farm is designed to benefit small-scale farmers and promote sustainable practices.

The army chief announced that similar modern farms would be established across Pakistan.

He emphasised that national security and economic stability were interlinked.

He said that the country was like a mother to its people, stating that the relationship between the people and the state “is one of love and respect”.

During the ceremony, army chief Gen Asim invoked the poetic wisdom of Allama Iqbal, underscoring the significance of his words in guiding the nation's trajectory.

"In the hands of individuals lie the destinies of nations; every individual is a star of the nation's fate," he recited, reminding all present of their collective responsibility towards the nation's progress.


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