Military Reconnect

Iran and Pakistan's decision to collaborate in efforts to eradicate terrorism from border areas is a welcome change

It was a genuine military reconnect.

The understanding reached between Iran and Pakistani military leaders to eradicate terrorism from border areas has come at an opportune moment.

By pledging to boost sharing of intelligence and ensuring boots on the ground, both the countries have made a good start in counterterrorism offensive.

Army Chief General Asim Munir’s two-day visit to Iran where he met his counterpart, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, and later the Iranian President, Ebrahim Raisi, and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian was momentous, as it took a holistic note of bilateralism and what needs to be done to buoy security measures in the wake of increasing cross-border movement of dreaded elements.

Pakistan and Iran share more than 900 kilometres of border, and infiltration of men and material at ease is a given.

For the last many decades, these porous zones have become a bone of contention as non-state actors had exploited the cultural mosaic to well-entrench themselves to further their nefarious designs.

The recent attack on Zhob Cantonment, which killed more than 9 soldiers, had put the cross-border activity between Afghanistan and Pakistan on the radar, and it is a wise strategy that the army chief made it a point to discuss threadbare with Tehran efforts to stem the rot.

Perhaps, this is why President Raisi reiterated Iran’s strategy to transform security borders into safe economic borders by developing border markets and cooperation in the energy sector.

Both the countries had recently inaugurated one of the six sustenance markets aimed at boosting bilateral trade at Mand-Pishin border check post.

The need of the hour is to buoy the volume of trade and lift it from the present meagre $500 million mark.

Moreover, the necessity for reorienting the Dalbadin-Taftan-Zahidan route is a must, apart from beefing up energy transmission from Iran to the desolated Balochistan province.

This is how sleeping cells and terror remnants can be checked by marginalising them in the rank and file where they intend to breed hate and revulsion.

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