Diarrhea outbreak sets off alarm bells in Sheedi Goth

372 cases have been reported in the hamlet in the past 10 days alone


Sheedi Goth, located in Gadap Town, has been plagued by an alarming outbreak of diarrhea as a staggering 372 people have been afflicted there in the past 10 days alone, while a sudden emergence of cholera cases has further exasperated the situation. While three patients are currently receiving treatment in local hospitals, the remaining cases have been discharged after receiving necessary medical care. According to a recent report issued by the Sindh Health Department, the affected goth has witnessed a distressing surge in diarrhea cases.

On June 28, 15 cases were reported, followed by an increase to 18 cases on June 29. The numbers escalated even further on June 30, reaching approximately 60 cases of diarrhea and three cases of cholera. Subsequently, the situation intensified with 80 cases of diarrhea reported on July 1, 57 on July 2, 29 on July 3, 48 on July 4, 20 on July 5, 22 on July 6, and 23 on July 7. Tragically, on July 2, a woman, named Nasima, succumbed to the severe effects of diarrhea. In an effort to prevent further casualties, the district administration organized seven health awareness sessions in the hamlet.

These sessions emphasised the importance of using boiled water and maintaining stringent personal hygiene. Additionally, the district health officer (DHO) surveillance team collaborated with the local mosque imam to raise awareness about preventive measures during the Friday sermon. Immediate actions were taken to address the grave situation at hand. The cleaning and chlorination of water tanks and the reverse osmosis (RO) plant in the affected area were carried out diligently.

To ensure accurate assessment, water samples were collected from both the main water supply and the RO plant for rigorous testing purposes. Furthermore, monitoring teams were deployed at water hydrants and filter plants to guarantee proper chlorination and efficient water filtration under the guidance of the monitoring team. On Friday, three patients exhibiting symptoms of diarrhea sought immediate treatment at the Sheedi Goth dispensary, while an additional 20 patients visited Murad Memon Goth Hospital. All patients received prompt medical care and were subsequently discharged. Adequate supplies of anti-diarrhea drugs and oral rehydration solution (ORS) are readily available at the Sheedi Goth dispensary, and extensive efforts have been made to distribute informative flyers and aqua pills among the residents.

The authorities continue to closely monitor the situation, implementing necessary measures to combat the ongoing outbreak. It is crucial for the public to wholeheartedly cooperate by adhering to stringent hygiene practices and utilizing safe water sources. Only through collective effort can we effectively contain and prevent the further spread of this debilitating disease within the confines of Sheedi Goth.

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