Armed security for your sacrifice!

People have begun hiring of guards and squads at cattle markets. Robbery incidents prompt for specialised security


In Pakistan, it has become a common sight to see highly influential individuals, government officials, or businessmen accompanied by a security entourage wherever they go. However, what is surprising is the trend of people hiring security guards and squads when buying sacrificial animals. One might imagine the comical image of guards struggling to handle a cow or calm it down, but that is not the case here. These guards and squads are not meant to handle the animals themselves; their purpose is to provide security to the people visiting the cattle markets, known as Mandi.

Karachi residents have increasingly reported armed robberies near the main cattle market, sparking concerns for the well-being of both traders and citizens who flock to purchase animals for the upcoming Feast of the Sacrifice. The level of security concerns among ordinary citizens has reached such heights that individuals are now hiring security guards and squads for a limited duration while visiting the Mandi. The fear of having their money, mobile phones, or even the animals snatched at gunpoint has become a genuine worry. The sacrificial animals, which can range in price from 100,000 up to 3 million rupees. Companies like Al-Aman Security and TPL Security Services have recognized this opportunity and launched an exclusive security service specifically tailored for those going to the Mandi.

The concern extends not only to their personal safety but also to the well-being of the animals they intend to bring home. The security service offered by the security companies provides a bouncer and a squad for an eight-hour duration, giving individuals a limited window to complete their purchase and safely return home.

Despite the availability of online services and home delivery options, many people in Pakistan still prefer to personally visit the Mandi to purchase sacrificial animals. While online services experienced a significant boom during the COVID-19 pandemic when restrictions limited movement, their popularity has diminished as these restrictions have eased.

There is a unique charm and tradition associated with personally selecting an animal from the Mandi. It allows individuals to assess the animal's health, size, and overall suitability for their specific religious requirements. Additionally, the experience of being in the lively atmosphere of the Mandi, interacting with fellow buyers and sellers, and immersing oneself in the Eid Al-Adha spirit is something that cannot be replicated through online platforms.

Here we dive into the growing security concerns surrounding the Eid Al-Adha festivities, the innovative security measures implemented by security companies, and the impact on the cherished traditions and enjoyment of the celebrations in Karachi. From the relocation of the largest cattle market in Asia to the mounting street crimes plaguing the city, the need for private security services has become increasingly apparent. Let’s explore the intricate interplay between security and celebration during this significant time in Karachi.

The time of the year

Eid ul-Adha is a highly anticipated time of the year for Muslims worldwide, and in Pakistan, it is no different. It is during this festive season that people eagerly look forward to visiting the Mandi, the bustling cattle market, to experience the vibrant atmosphere and explore the wide variety of animals on display. From miniature 1-foot goats to towering 6-foot cows, the Mandi becomes a hub of excitement and anticipation for people of all ages, including kids, men, and women.

The thrill of visiting the Mandi lies in the opportunity to find the perfect sacrificial animal that meets both one's religious requirements and their designated budget. Families embark on this adventure together, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved. Children are especially excited, as they get to witness firsthand the vast array of animals, from adorable lambs to majestic bulls, and they are often eager to select their favorite.

The Mandi is not just a marketplace; it is a vibrant cultural gathering where the spirit of Eid ul-Adha comes alive. The air is filled with the sounds of buyers bargaining with sellers, the laughter of children admiring the animals, and the aroma of delicious food being prepared in the nearby stalls. It is a sensory experience that encapsulates the essence of this joyous festival.

People navigate through the maze of animals, meticulously inspecting each one, assessing its size, health, and overall appearance. They discuss and debate with family members, seeking their opinions on which animal would be the best choice for their Qurbani, the act of sacrificing an animal as an act of devotion. The process of finding the perfect animal becomes a shared endeavor, strengthening family bonds and creating lasting memories.

Regardless of the size of one's budget, the Mandi offers a diverse range of animals to cater to different needs and preferences. It is a testament to the cultural diversity and richness of Pakistan, as people from various backgrounds come together to celebrate this important religious occasion. The joy and enthusiasm that fill the hearts of individuals as they return home with their chosen sacrificial animal from the Mandi are unmatched.

Amidst the excitement and joy that surrounds the visit to the Mandi during Eid ul-Adha, there is an underlying fear that lingers in the hearts of people - the fear of getting robbed. The rising incidents of robberies near Karachi's main cattle market have created a sense of unease among the residents.

Increasing robberies

This year, the residents of Karachi have witnessed a concerning rise in armed robberies near the city's main cattle market. Reports of such incidents have increased, causing alarm among traders and citizens alike. In response to these security challenges, there have been widespread calls for enhanced measures to ensure the safety of both people and the animals they intend to purchase for the upcoming Feast of the Sacrifice, Eid ul-Adha.

Private security officials have also expressed concerns over the increasing burden faced by the Sindh police in tackling street crimes in Karachi. The Citizens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) has reported a staggering 37,282 incidents of street crimes recorded in the city during the initial five months of 2023.

Furthermore, the security concerns have been compounded by a recent court order to relocate the Karachi Cattle Market. As the largest cattle market in Asia, it has been a significant hub for trading sacrificial animals for decades. However, the court's decision mandated its relocation from its long-standing location at Sohrab Goth to a more remote area known as the Northern Bypass. This move has raised concerns about accessibility and the potential impact on security arrangements. The new location poses logistical challenges and necessitates adjustments to security protocols to ensure the smooth functioning of the market and the protection of those present.

Amidst the backdrop of soaring inflation in Pakistan, the escalating prices of sacrificial animals have added to the anxiety of individuals visiting cattle markets. Prices can reach up to Rs100,000 for goats or sheep, while larger animals like cows and camels can cost as much as 2 and 3 million, respectively. The fear of being robbed during the cattle market visits or having their newly purchased animals stolen is a genuine concern for many.

Local trader Shafqat Afzal, in Karachi, emphasized the responsibility of ensuring the security of these valuable animals. “We purchase sacrificial animals after careful consideration so their security is also our responsibility. Given the current circumstances, if someone takes the animals or snatches them at gunpoint, well, that is why I thought it best to have guards in place,” said Afzal.

Saleem Latif, a 52-year-old trader of Karachi, also recognized the need for enhanced security measures. This year, he employed armed guards to accompany him and his family to the cattle market. Latif emphasized, “It's not possible without guards. The circumstances today are not the same as in the past. Considering the rise in street crimes, it would be wise to take along two guards.”

He further highlighted that visiting the cattle market is a time of enjoyment for him, his children, and friends. They take pleasure in strolling through the market, making heartfelt purchases, and indulging in food and drink. However, he added that ensuring security has now become a necessary aspect of their enjoyment.

Tailored Eid Al-Adha Security Scheme

As Eid Al-Adha approaches and the bustling streets of Karachi brim with excitement, Al-Aman Security Company and TPL Security Services have stepped in to address the growing security concerns surrounding the city's main cattle market. With a deep understanding of the soaring crime rates in Pakistan's largest city and commercial capital, the company has introduced a specialized security scheme exclusively tailored for Eid Al-Adha.

Recognizing the need for enhanced security measures during this festive season, Al-Aman Security Company has launched a comprehensive Eid package designed to ensure the safety of both individuals and the animals they purchase for the Feast of the Sacrifice. This innovative scheme has garnered significant attention and appreciation from Karachi residents who have eagerly embraced it as a necessity.

Ahsan Abbas, the individual responsible for overseeing the Qurbani Security project at Al-Aman Security Company, shared that their company has introduced a specially tailored Eid package in light of the prevailing circumstances. Speaking to The Express Tribune, Abbas mentioned, “Considering the current circumstances, our company has launched an Eid package specifically designed for Bakra Eid (Eid Al-Adha)." He further expressed that Karachi residents have warmly embraced this service as a necessity and have actively availed it.

Abbas also mentioned that they have received an overwhelming number of calls from individuals seeking their assistance. “We have received countless calls wherein we have deployed our bouncers and vehicles to accompany people to the cattle market, he said adding that this reflects the high demand for the services and the importance people place on their safety during the visit to the market.

Moreover, Abbas highlighted another segment of their clientele who utilize their security guards after purchasing their animals. “There is also another segment of clients who have deployed our security guards after purchasing their animals, bouncers who will stay with the animals from the time of purchase until Eid, ensuring that no disturbances or potential losses or damage occurs to them,” he shared.

Abbas shared details about the security packages offered by Al-Aman Security Company, highlighting their affordability and flexibility. He stated, “We have offered two packages to cater to different needs. The first package involves hiring a bouncer for 8 hours at a cost of Rs. 5000, while the second package offers a full squad for 8 hours at a price of Rs. 10,000.”

The availability of these packages allows individuals to choose the level of security that suits their requirements and budget. Those opting for the bouncer package can have a trained professional accompany them during their visit to the cattle market, ensuring their safety throughout the designated time period. On the other hand, the squad package provides a team of security personnel who work together to provide comprehensive protection and assistance.

By offering these affordable options, Al-Aman Security Company aims to make their services accessible to a wide range of customers. This enables individuals to make informed decisions based on their specific security needs.

The Al-Aman Security Company's Eid package has quickly gained popularity among residents of Karachi, who now consider it an essential part of their Mandi visit. Customers have expressed their satisfaction with the services rendered, highlighting the professionalism and reliability of Al-Aman's security personnel.

In a city where the police force is already overwhelmed with street crimes, Al-Aman's tailored security scheme has filled a crucial gap by providing dedicated protection to those venturing to the cattle market.


Online Platforms Incorporating Safety Measures

The trend of people hiring security guards to ensure their safety during visits to the cattle market emerged this year, however, it is worth noting that during the COVID-19 pandemic, online service providers also utilized these security services for the sale of sacrificial animals during Eid-ul-Adha. The online selling of animals experienced a significant surge in popularity during the pandemic when restrictions limited physical interactions and gatherings.

The convenience and safety offered by online platforms allowed individuals to browse and select sacrificial animals from the comfort of their homes. It provided an alternative option for those who preferred to avoid crowded spaces, such as traditional cattle markets, especially during the peak of the pandemic. The online selling of sacrificial animals witnessed a substantial boost in demand as people sought to maintain social distancing and adhere to health guidelines.

Although online services provide convenience and eliminate the need for physical visits to the Mandi, they often lack the personal touch and emotional connection that comes with handpicking an animal. Additionally, some people may have reservations about the accuracy of online representations and prefer to see the animal in person before making a purchase.

As COVID-19 restrictions have gradually lifted, allowing people to move more freely, the trend of visiting the Mandi in person has regained its prominence. The desire for a hands-on experience and the cultural significance attached to the act of selecting a sacrificial animal continue to draw people to the Mandi, even in the face of alternative online options.

Muhammad Faizan Siddiqui, who has had a deep fondness for spending time with sacrificial animals during Bakra Eid (Eid-ul-Adha) since his childhood, had been maintaining an online page called 'Sohrab Goth Gai Mandi' on Facebook since 2010. However, it was during the COVID-19 pandemic when movement restrictions were imposed and the physical Mandi was not set up that he saw the opportunity to leverage his page effectively.

Faizan shared his experience, stating, "We started receiving online queries about cows and goats. Recognizing this as an opportunity, we decided to utilize our page and commence selling them online. We visited the market, purchased some animals, took pictures and videos of them, and uploaded them online. People's interest grew as they desired to buy animals but were unable to venture outside."

Although the number of online sales didn't meet their expectations, it was still a significant achievement. However, as soon as restrictions on physical Mandi visits were lifted and the government permitted people to personally purchase their sacrificial animals, online sales began to decline.

Explaining the challenges they faced during the online sales process, Faizan mentioned, "The biggest concern people had was about how the animals would appear in the pictures and videos and whether they would match the reality. In a country where people hesitate to buy small products online, purchasing a living being like a cow or a goat seemed like a major risk to them."

To address this fear, Faizan and his team even offered a cash-on-delivery service, allowing buyers to return the animal if it didn't meet their expectations, without any charges. However, carrying large sums of cash after delivering the animals to buyers became a significant concern. To mitigate this risk, they hired a private guard who accompanied them from the moment they left their place to deliver the animals to buyers and then return home safely.

As the COVID restrictions were lifted and the interest of people in online purchases diminished, Faizan decided to discontinue the online sales platform. He acknowledged that the experience of visiting the Mandi, personally selecting an animal, and spending time with it until Eid is something that no one should miss.

Currently, Faizan and his team have transitioned to a new venture called "Kya Baat Hai," a series where they visit the Mandi and showcase different types of animals, guiding people on which animal they should consider buying. Drawing upon their years of experience with the Mandi, they often accompany individuals and assist them in purchasing an animal within their desired budget.

Despite the surge in online sales during the COVID-19 pandemic, the trend gradually faded as restrictions were lifted. However, the charm and cultural significance of personally visiting the Mandi should not be overlooked. To ensure a safe and memorable experience, individuals are now opting to hire security guards this year, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the unique cultural ambiance.

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