Sanjrani unveils Senate data centre

Centre equipped to provide Senate secure and robust platform to manage and store essential information

Senate Chairman Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani inaugurates Data Center and Digital Broadcasting System of the Senate of Pakistan on June 22., 2023. PHOTO: APP


Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani, along with senators and officials of the Senate Secretariat, on Thursday unveiled the technologically advanced Data Centre and Digital Broadcasting System of the upper house of parliament.

The data centre showcased the Senate's commitment to embracing digital transformation and enhancing its operations for the benefit of the nation, a statement said.

On the occasion, Sanjrani expressed his satisfaction over the successful implementation of the digital initiatives, underscoring the Senate's dedication to adopt innovative technologies for the optimisation, operational efficiency and strengthening the democratic processes.

He commended the collaborative efforts of the Senate IT team and other branches/officials involved in realising this significant milestone.

The newly established data centre is equipped with cutting-edge digital infrastructure, providing a secure and robust platform to manage and store essential information.


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