Hullabaloo in Senate over budget

Deputy chairman expunges words about ‘birth of a donkey’ to control situation


The Senate on Tuesday witnessed hullabaloo during the debate on the budget as the treasury and opposition benches squared off against each other over it.

Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani presided over the meeting in which the opposition criticised the budget, saying that it had nothing for the common man.

On the remarks of PPP Senator Waqar Mehdi, the PTI members created an uproar in the house which depicted the scene of a flea market.

Senator Mehdi’s remarks skewered PTI Senator Saifullah Abro. Bitter words were exchanged between the two members.

The opposition began to protest strongly with senators Fauzia Arshad, Abro and other members of the PTI raising slogans.

The Senate deputy chairman immediately intervened and expunged the words about the “birth of a donkey” and brought the situation under control.

On the budget, Senator Raza Rabbani said that it was unique in many respects. “The IMF is also placing unique conditions. Their preconditions have been met but no agreement has been reached. The bar on the IMF moves the goalpost forward. The IMF is part of an international imperialism.”

Rabbani said the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor had been put on the back burner as “a well-thought-out plan”. “There has been so much inflation that no one can earn two meals a day,” he said, urging that the development fund for Balochistan should be increased.

Rabbani called for taking strict action against the people involved in the May 9 events, saying: “The masterminds should also be brought to justice, but the army act cases should be avoided against those who are involved.”

He urged not to repeat those experiments that had failed in the past.

Senator Yousuf Raza Gilani said that the previous government ignored the CPEC whereas the incumbent government was running it in the best possible way.

“It is inevitable to take the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline on the fast track line,” he said. “Our defence is in strong hands. We know how to protect our assets. I think it was wrong to dissolve the national, Punjab, and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa assemblies.”

He urged the government to increase the EOBI pension by at least Rs10,000.

Government members Irfan Siddiqui, Jam Mehtab, and Maulana Attaur Rahman said that instead of criticising for the sake of criticism, “give concrete recommendations”.

“A good budget has been presented in difficult circumstances.”

Senator Siddiqui said that the budget was always a mouthpiece. “Can the economy develop by holding sit-ins and rallies? The economy can never be improved by taking out a long march or burning down the corps commander's house. I have presented a good budget. The IT and energy sectors have been given priority in the budget.”

Jamaat-e-Islami Senator Mushtaq Ahmed said that the mayoral election was going to be held in Karachi on Thursday.

He called for recognising the mandate as efforts were being made to turn the majority into a minority in Karachi. “The Sindh police are changing political loyalties. Votes are being bought and sold through money.”

Senator Mushtaq walked out of the house in protest.

Debate on the budget continued and the meeting was adjourned till 3pm on Thursday.

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