We'll ‘move forward together’ with Tareen: ex-AJK PM

Ilyas refutes reports of Hashim Dogar, Murad Raas forming their own group

Former Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan. PHOTO: SOCIAL MEDIA


Former Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) prime minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas on Saturday announced that he would “move forward together” with Jahangir Tareen, a sugar baron as well as a former close aide of PTI chief Imran Khan before they developed differences and was now planning to form a new party.

There are also reports of two ex-PTI leaders, Hashim Dogar and Murad Raas, attempting to form their separate “group” and reaching out to other former party members to join them.

Talking to the media after holding a meeting with Tareen in Lahore, Ilyas said they discussed the formation of the new party, the future of politicians who had left the PTI and other issues.

“Our understanding with Jahangir Tareen is that we will move forward together,” he continued.

He added that there was “good news” in the offing for PTI members seeking leadership slots in other parties.

Responding to a question, especially about ex-PTI leaders Dogar and Raas planning to “form a new group and identity”, the ex-AJK PM refuted these reports.

He maintained that no “separate group” would be formed.

“They are our own people. We will all move forward together,” Ilyas claimed.

The former AJK premier also confirmed that his role in the new party would be central.

He continued that he would not only be a stakeholder for AJK but the entirety of the country.

Ilyas emphasised that his first priority was Pakistan.

Former Punjab minister Nauman Langrial, who was also present on the occasion, said they would welcome anyone who was ready to leave the PTI and its narrative.

Dozens of PTI leaders reportedly contacted Tareen to join his ranks.

Read Tareen to announce new party in 72 hours

Tareen has ramped up his efforts to woo as many PTI defectors as he can ahead of the general elections.

A mass exodus from the PTI began after violent riots in the country on May 9 when party chairman Imran was arrested from the premises of the Islamabad High Court by dozens of Rangers personnel in connection with a corruption case.

Several government buildings, including sensitive military installations, were attacked in the riots.

Declaring the May 9 events as a ‘black day’, the authorities arrested several leaders and activists of the party.

The government said that rioters, arsonists, looters and those involved in vandalism would be tried as per the law.

So far, many senior PTI leaders, including Fawad Chaudhry, Shireen Mazari, Imran Ismail, Ali Zaidi, Amir Kiyani, Saifullah Nyazee, Fayyazul Hassan Chauhan and Musarrat Jamshed Cheema, have parted ways with the PTI.

Besides a number of people, who were awarded PTI tickets for Punjab Assembly elections, also quit the party, condemning the May 9 violence and attacks on military installations.

Simultaneously, several politicians also became active to benefit from this realigning of the new political dynamics.

The foremost among them is Tareen, once a PTI stalwart, and now a staunch adversary.

In a related development, former PTI leaders Dogar and Raas are reportedly engaged in efforts to create their own group with its unique identity.

Dogar said a large group would announce walking together later in the day.

The former provincial minister added that they could never approve of the narrative of the PML-N and Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM).

He maintained that the PTI and its activists could not be helpless.

“We are against the anti-military narrative, but [that does not mean] we are with the PDM,” Dogar continued.

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