AI generated: Behroze Sabzwari issues clarification after 'fake' audio leak

The actor was vehement in support of the Pakistan army

Renowned actor Behroze Sabzwari recently found himself at the centre of controversy when an audio clip purportedly capturing him making presumptive remarks about the army was leaked. However, the veteran actor has swiftly responded to the allegations, issuing a clarification to vehemently deny ever maligning the forces.

The leaked audio clip, which circulated widely on social media platforms, caused a stir among the public, sparking debates and raising concerns about the actor's alleged statements. Many individuals expressed disappointment, given Sabzwari's long-standing career in the entertainment industry and his previously held favourable public image.

In the initial clip, the voice presumed to be Sabzwari's can be heard saying, "Corp Commanders have put their foot down and [General] Asim Muneer is in Oman, he's been stopped there. I think he'll be court-martialed. Everything will be revealed in a few hours." YouTube Saad Kaiser was among the many people who shared the clip, which has since been circulated on social media and messaging platforms like WhatsApp.

In response to the audio leak, Sabzwari released an official statement to address the controversy and clear the air. In his statement, the actor expressed deep regret for the misunderstanding caused by the leaked audio clip. He categorically denied making any derogatory remarks about the army, emphasizing his respect and admiration for the armed forces. 

In the new clip, Sabzwari states, "Firstly, I pray that whoever has released this fake audio - because of artificial intelligence." He laughs nervously and goes on to say, "The army Is our shining glory. The army has sacrificed its life for Pakistan, and we can sacrifice our lives for the army. Whoever is spreading all this, God will understand. I - everything that has been heard is a lie. So, pray to God that Pakistan and its army remain safe. We're with the army."

The outcome of further investigation, should it be conducted, will provide more clarity on the authenticity of the leaked audio and the circumstances surrounding it. The Express Tribune could not independently verify the clips.

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