Shows how un-Islamic they are: Maria B on trans activists calling out Sharia Court ruling

Federal Sharia Court on Friday declared that individuals cannot have gender surgery at their own discretion

In a press conference on Saturday, Pakistani transgender activists announced their plan to appeal to the highest court against the Sharia Court’s ruling that “guts a law aimed at protecting their rights.” However, their language and anger while communicating their demands did not sit well with designer Maria Butt – who has been vocal against transpeople and their plight.

Maria shared a screenshot of a Twitter post on her Instagram Story about how the activists used abusive language during the press conference. The original post read, “Fact check: Heard the press conference of Nayab Ali (Executive Director of Transgender Rights Consultants Pakistan). The kind of language and abuse used tell us many things

In another Story, she shared a news update about five French League Muslim footballers dropping out of a match after refusing to wear LGBTQ+ colours on their shirts. “This is the norm around the Muslim world. Then why not in Pakista

Lastly, she shared a video titled “Exposing Pakistani trans activists” and shared how the video mentions threats to her identity. “In this video, I’ve seen threats against me and Senator Mushtaq for the first time. May Allah protect us all. May we continue t

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