Mushaal Mullick lambasts Modi for raising militia

Says Indian PM wants to divert world’s attention from freedom movement



Peace and Culture Organisation Chairperson Mushaal Hussein Mullick has lambasted the supremacist Naredra Modi-led Hindutva regime for raising 5,000 well-equipped and well-trained Hindu militia in line with notorious RSS militants in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) to trigger a communal strife to divert world’s attention from Kashmir freedom movement that entered into a decisive phase.

Mushaal, who is the wife of incarcerated senior Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik, said that the Indian authorities raised Hindu militia to terrorise Muslims and suppress the Kashmiris’ ongoing freedom struggle. The chairperson said that the BJP was playing with fire by creating a pretext for religious conflict in IIOJK, as they wanted to forward their divisive and blood-soaked agenda.

She said that arming Hindus with the criminal intent to quell the legitimate and rightful freedom movement of Kashmiris would exacerbate communal tensions in the disputed region, which was classified as the world’s most militarized zone with a 1:8 military and civilian ratio. The Hurriyat leader contended that the world powers and human rights organisations should now accept that Modi had a criminal mindset and a real and potent threat to regional as well as world peace; hence they should isolate him and boycott the G20 summit.

Mushaal stated that the BJP was promoting religious conflict in the troubled region to crush the Kashmiri struggle after exhausting all brutal and inhuman tactics to defuse the flames of the struggle for the right to self-determination. She went on to say that the new militia units, known as Village Defense Guards, would only exacerbate Kashmir’s woe, as such groups were also raised in the 1990s, who were involved in ruthlessly killing of innocent Kashmiris, besides committing other heinous crimes including murder, rape and extortions.

However, Mushaal made it clear that New Delhi was mistaken if it thought relentless brutality could extinguish the Kashmiri desire for freedom rather, she added it would further ignite the fire of the freedom struggle.


Published in The Express Tribune, May 3rd, 2023.

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