230 Adiala inmates test positive for hepatitis

Blood screening raises alarm over inmates' health



Blood screening of prisoners in the Adiala Central Prison has revealed that at least 230 inmates are suffering from Hepatitis C and a single prisoner is living with Hepatitis B.

The results have raised serious questions about the quality of food and drinking water being provided to the prisoners.

According to official sources, the screening was conducted by the Rawalpindi District Health Authority (DHA).

They said no inmate tested positive for HIV AIDS, against the expectations of many.

As per the jail manual, it is necessary to provide food to prisoners per the hygiene rules.

The health authority conducted the screening from March 13 to March 27 during which, a blood screening of 5,830 prisoners was conducted.

Of these, 5,660 were male prisoners and 170 were female, the sources said.

A special team of the DHA carried out the sampling process for Hepatitis B, C, HIV AIDS along with other diseases.

As per the results of the tests, several inmates were also living with anaemia.

Sources also said a huge number of cases have shed light on the negligence and carelessness of the jail administration in ensuring the supply of quality food to the inmates as per hygiene rules.

Meanwhile, the DHA has taken responsibility for the treatment of the 230 prisoners who have been confirmed to have Hepatitis C.

Prisoners with these diseases will be given a course of medicine for four months.

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