Two Bahawalnagar men ‘commit suicide’

Unemployment lead victims to take extreme step


Two young men committed suicide within the city on Sunday.

The first incident was reported in Anandpur, a suburb of Bahawalnagar, where 30-year-old Majeed reportedly hanged himself to death.

A resident of Anandpur, Majeed ended his life due to domestic poverty and unemployment, claimed police sources, who concluded that a poor financial situation motivated him to take his own life.

Meanwhile, another youth disillusioned with his domestic and financial situation committed suicide. According to sources, Abdul Aziz allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself.

In a similar manner to the first case, he reportedly committed the act due to unemployment and poor domestic conditions.

Police sources claimed that Aziz was mentally ill and under treatment for some time, while on the other hand, residents of the area stated that Aziz, a husband and father, was very worried about his finances due to unemployment, implying that he committed suicide due to the non-availability of labor and work. Local police began legal action into both cases.


Published in The Express Tribune, March 27th, 2023.

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