Action sought against overloaded public transport

Commuters say transporters carry passengers in excess of sitting capacity

Public Transport in Lahore. PHOTO: ONLINE


Commuters have demanded authorities take strict action against overloading in public transport and increase night surveillance to resolve this issue.

Talking to APP on Tuesday, a commuter Usama Tariq pointed out that the problem of overcrowding was particularly acute over weekends, public holidays and at night, when public transport options are limited and people often have no choice but to take overcrowded vehicles.

Another traveller Jibran Javed criticised the lack of public awareness about the issue, noting that many people were unaware of the risks posed by overcrowded vehicles. An intensive effort to raise awareness among the public about the importance of following the rules was essential, he said.

An official of the National Highways and Motorway Police (NHMP) said that while the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) was primarily responsible for regulating the allowed capacity of public transport vehicles, the NHMP was also taking measures to enforce the regulations. He said that NHMP has been imposing fines on transporters who violate the allowed capacity and NHMP has also been working to raise awareness of the issue among the public. However, the official acknowledged that it can be difficult for the NHMP to take strict action against violators, as it would be highly inconvenient for passengers to disembark in the middle of the motorway.

Moreover, the official emphasised that it is the ethical responsibility of passengers to refuse to take a seat in a vehicle that exceeds its capacity. Drivers and transporters may offer extra seats, but it is ultimately the decision of the passengers to accept or decline the offer.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 15th, 2023.

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