A welcome thaw

Saudi Arabia and Iran’s decision to seek rapprochement is most welcome

Saudi Arabia and Iran’s decision to seek rapprochement is most welcome. Their resolve to re-establish full diplomatic ties, after a hiatus of almost a decade, simply underlines the indispensability of interdependence in state-centrism, and the fact that ruptures and revulsion cannot stand for long. This diplomatic feat, moreover, has come under the aegis of China, which has intensified its significance and underlined the new role of the economic superpower in the Middle East. It is profoundly soothing that Riyadh and Tehran did not shy away from accepting the good offices of Beijing in brokering reconciliation and have, in fact, widened the scope of inter-state relations to new vistas of cooperation and understanding.

Both the Islamic states are powers to be reckoned with in the region. Their going astray by picking proxies to further their unstated objectives in the yesteryears has derailed bilateralism. It is a good omen that they have publicly announced a timeline of two months to re-open their respective embassies, and reaffirmed their commitment to non-interference in internal affairs. Likewise, the prologue says they wish to re-activate a 2001 security cooperation agreement, and work for broadening the mosaic of trade and investment. This thaw simply replicates the spirit of Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s restoration of ties, and apart from China, Oman and Iraq deserve a word of praise for silently restructuring the edifice of mistrust into friendship.

Now is the time for both the giants to restart anew. Iran must call it a day to its policy of harbouring proxies, and Saudi Arabia by shunning the prejudice against the post-1979 revolutionary state. This will create the necessary environment to broaden peace, security and prosperity in the region and beyond. Iran’s mending of fences with KSA will have dividends in its relations with the UAE.

There is a lesson for Pakistan to read in this détente. A peep into recent history reveals that the UAE had played a major role in brokering the ceasefire that is in vogue between India and Pakistan. With China too in a proactive mode in the region, the South Asian duos must turn a new leaf and kickstart a new era of reconciliation.


Published in The Express Tribune, March 12th, 2023.

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