Unclaimed body of girl found in Barkhan laid to rest

Teenage girl had been raped, shot dead and acid was thrown on the face so she could not be identified

Photo: File


The Edhi Foundation on Saturday buried the unclaimed body of a teenage girl found from a well in Barkhan along with two other male bodies.

“No one came for the body of the teenage girl who had been raped and then shot dead and acid was thrown on the face so that she could not be identified,” a volunteer of the Edhi Foundation told The Express Tribune.

He said the Edhi Foundation waited for two days for the relatives to come and take the body for burial but subsequently decided to bury it in the Edhi graveyard.

The two boys identified as sons of Khan Muhammad Marri, a local tribesman, were laid to rest in the Eastern Bypass area of Quetta.

The three bodies were brought to Quetta by the protesting Marri tribesmen. Jehangir Marri, the secretary general of Marri Itehad, was leading the protesters who staged a three-day sit-in in the Red Zone of Quetta, demanding the arrest of the accused behind the brutal triple murder.

Khan Muhammad Marri had accused the Balochistan C&W Minister, Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran of killing his three family members, including his wife and two sons. His wife Granaz, however, was found alive and recovered from a house in the mountains of Barkhan.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 26th, 2023.


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