India cannot suppress voice of Kashmiris: governor

Solidarity expressed across the country with the oppressed people

Governor Punjab Balighur Rehman addressing media on Jan 13, 2023. Photo: Radio Pakistan


The United Nations and other international powers, unfortunately, could not implement the United Nations Resolution on Kashmir.

This was stated by the Governor of Punjab, Muhammad Balighur Rehman, while addressing a ceremony held at the Alhamra Arts Council in the provincial capital on Sunday to mark the Kashmir Day.

Muhammad Balighur Rehman said that it was our national duty to stand with the Kashmiris.

“India cannot suppress the voice of the Kashmiris with power. The testimonies of Kashmiri Mujahideen, including Burhan Wani, have proved that they do not want to join India in any way,” said the governor.

Muhammad Balighur Rahman said that India should know that no power on earth could stop the freedom movement of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The Founder of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam, had said that Kashmir is the aorta of Pakistan.

“We assure the Kashmiri brethren that we are with them wholeheartedly. We will continue our efforts to give Kashmiris their right to self- determination,” said the governor.

On this occasion, the Alhamra Arts Council also organised a photo exhibition. Besides, a programme consisting of traditional songs was also organised to join the voice of the Kashmiris.

The governor also attended the event. He also participated in a walk along with Punjab Information Secretary Ali Nawaz Malik.

Kashmir Solidarity Day was observed in Lahore like the rest of the country on Sunday.

The event at the Alhamra Arts Council in which Punjab Governor Muhammad Balighur Rahman especially participated was the city's biggest event.

The governor also inaugurated the painting exhibition at the art gallery of Alhamra exhibiting the works of more than 100 artists to express solidarity with the people of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Officials also distributed prizes among the winning artists.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 6th, 2023.a

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