Protest against desecration of Holy Quran

Many religious parties have announced marking Friday as a day to vow allegiance to the protection of Holy Quran

Our Correspondent January 27, 2023
In Pakistan, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Malaysia and Senegal, roughly half or more of the full population said that laws in their countries should strictly follow the teachings of the Holy Quran. PHOTO: REUTERS



Religious parties have announced protest rallies against the desecration of Holy Quran by a fanatic in Sweden. Jamaat-e-Islami, Pakistan Sunni Tehreek, Jamaat Ghurba Ahl Hadith Pakistan, Jamaat Ahle Sunnat, Allaho Akbar Tehreek and Aalmi Majlis Tahfuze Khatme Nabuwat, besides Majlis Wahdatul Muslimeen have denounced the act of hate in their separate statements.

While protest marches against the Islamophobic act by a leader of an extremist organisation continue, many religious parties have announced marking Friday as a day to vow allegiance to the protection of Holy Quran.


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